
New Member
Hi All,

I know this maybe a difficult question for anyone to answer but I was wonderinf if anyone with motoring knowledge would like to take a guess at what a 12 plate Range Rover Evoque (Diesel) will be worth in 5 years time? They currently fetch around 16-17K for one with around 70k on the clock. Looking to get one then and put a private plate on it.

(Obviously diesels maybe banned or taxed high by then but lets not factor in that eventuality)
You might get £6~8K for it, not really sure but if they're anything like a D3 at 10yrs old they are still £8~10K

But you will also have to factor in the future of diesels and area of sale, selling in London will be rubbish with LEZs etc,. But selling in rural England/Wales/Scotland there will be folks who will readily lap up a "prestige" motor with low miles for sale in areas where LEZs don't affect local traffic.
The market is flooded with Evoques and that will determine resale values. Just joking yesterday as there were 12 of them in the supermarche car park.
You might get £6~8K for it, not really sure but if they're anything like a D3 at 10yrs old they are still £8~10K

But you will also have to factor in the future of diesels and area of sale, selling in London will be rubbish with LEZs etc,. But selling in rural England/Wales/Scotland there will be folks who will readily lap up a "prestige" motor with low miles for sale in areas where LEZs don't affect local traffic.
I live in rural England, not far from Scotland, and you have to sell vehicles at a knock down price cos there's no one here to buy them. I once sold a car and on the test drive the guy said 'you're selling this at a great price, there must be a catch'. I told him the catch was that there were very few people who were prepared to drive out from places like Newcastle to look at a car, even at a great price.
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I live in rural England, not far from Scotland, and you have to sell vehicles at a knock down price cos there's no one here to buy them. I once sold a car and on the test drive the guy said 'you're selling this at a great price, there must be a catch'. I told him the catch was that there were very few people who were prepared to drive out from places like Newcastle to look at a car, even at a great price.

But in 5yrs time rural England will be the only place not restricted by LEZs and that will be the determining factor for diesel vehicles.

Personally I wouldn't bother, I would rather spend the money on a full EV and enjoy the vastly reduced running costs, after all, where are you going to drive an Ewok? Paved roads, ever seen one anywhere near a green lane unless they were passing the entrance to a byway.

I don't see them as an investment and looking at the economy I would wager that we will be in a deep recession by then and there will be no value to second hand "luxury" vehicles at all.
Isn't that what they were designed for in the first place, wannabes scaling supermarket kerbs or speed ramps on the school-run :D

I thought part of the design brief was for Victoria Beckenham to be able get in and out without flashing her panties LOL
I wouldn't drop 8-9k on an imitation RR

Get the full fat proper RR not the semi skimmed version..

Infact it ain't a range rover..

Freelander 3 would be more of an apt title..
Problem with the Evoque is that it's a car .. it ain't a Landrover, it ain't a Range Rover (despite what the badges say and who manufactures it) it's a car. It might be expensive compared to similar stuff, but it's still a car, so will lose a lot of value.

Round here they're mostly driven by smart young ladies .. we have three yummy mummies with them at our school ... They'll get rid in a year or so and replace it with another new car on the leasing schemes currently in vogue .. leaving little value in the old car.
Problem with the Evoque is that it's a car .. it ain't a Landrover, it ain't a Range Rover (despite what the badges say and who manufactures it) it's a car. It might be expensive compared to similar stuff, but it's still a car, so will lose a lot of value.

Round here they're mostly driven by smart young ladies .. we have three yummy mummies with them at our school ... They'll get rid in a year or so and replace it with another new car on the leasing schemes currently in vogue .. leaving little value in the old car.

Very popular with women drivers everywhere.
And I think it will be easy to pick one up for very little in a few years time.
Having said the above, it is a Landrover and it is a RangeRover, the badges say so ... and when I eventually drove one a few weeks ago I actually like the feel and drive of it, but that was only on road .. and it is really a car! It's a poor design overall, to my view, with bad sightlines, and really poor visibility out the windows and in the mirrors, but 'the wiimins' do seem to love it. It also felt girly inside and not as comfortable as it ought to be!

I wouldn't buy one, whatever price!
I really wouldn't buy an Evoke. My guvnor had an Evoke. He reckoned it was useless in snow. Before that he had a C-RV and he said that was crap in snow, too, just like the X-Trail, the X3 and the XC90 before that. He's just got an X5 M-power which he says will save the company money because it's cheaper to run than the Evoke. I bet that'll be crap in snow as well.
I really wouldn't buy an Evoke. My guvnor had an Evoke. He reckoned it was useless in snow. Before that he had a C-RV and he said that was crap in snow, too, just like the X-Trail, the X3 and the XC90 before that. He's just got an X5 M-power which he says will save the company money because it's cheaper to run than the Evoke. I bet that'll be crap in snow as well.

Do you think your boss might benefit from driver training?
Thank you for the replies, really appreciate it. I've budgeted 8-9k so hopefully will be fine.

It is actually for my girlfriend as we're just about to have a baby and she wants something to do the school run in, so predictable I know.

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