Just been looking up wendron and now know where it is - i'm down that way tomorrow and will check it out and if it's good and available, will advise on Sat as it's only about half an hour drive from Baldhu/where we're meeting - and looks really good!

Looks good on Youtube and the aeriel pohoto makes it look quite extensive (Wendron, not China fool!) - guess it depends whether they';ve anything else on at the weekend - there's also one at Grampound Road apparently, they all show up on Youtube! I agree, somewhere new would be more fun - i will advise tomorrow!
what time are you meeting up and where,bit ****ed about missing last one,timing belt snaped night before only cost £60 in parts shocked me how easy it was to fix
Hi Pitbull,
10:10 at Victoria Services (you need to come off the new bit of the A30 to get to them now).
Channel 25 if you've got a CB Pitbull.
PM me or Oddie your Moby number if you like.
i put the cb back in just ,how long would you say it will take me from exeter to get there thanks ,i will send you my number
The low down...

Wendron site is about 20 minutes from Chiverton cross, is a relatively flat site and is not densely tree populated (so DTD3 will be happy!) It looked pretty boggy on the site today but not impassable. There are lots of ponds, swamps, ramps, hillocks and other technical fun bits (i've printed off an aerial photo of the whole site which we can hopefully use as a map). You can see the site if you google Lower Porkellis and click on "maps", it's about 200yds south southeast of the arrow.

The owner of the site is expecting us from about 11 onwards and said we could go on in and help ourselves, he seems a very nice chap! The site is quite extensive, and whilst there are a couple of green lanes nearby, i haven't explored them and would expect the site to pretty much fill the day!

It's only about 10 mins to Helston so it would probably be sensible to have a proper break for lunch and go get some pasties or summat?

Unless we hear a "Hang On, i'm nearly there", we will be leaving Chiverton Cross at 10.30 (round the back, by the 2 petrol stations where BK used to be)

If you need a mobile, as Trewy says, PM me or him

All the best
i put the cb back in just ,how long would you say it will take me from exeter to get there thanks ,i will send you my number
Hour and a quarter to Victoria, another 20 mins to Chivvy roundabout(watch out, they've installed a load of "average speed" cameras at Launceston)
yeah but they got a load of roadworks on at the moment at Cheriton Bishop and Launceston over to the moor which slows it down a bit - that was my time last week in a golf

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