
AntiSeptic Sandal Wearer
general consensus so far seems to be that it'd be fun to meet up for a morning of laning round Penwith and Kerrier for a coupla hours (we'll plan a route and DD has a shiny gps he can plot it in on) and then a spot of lunch involving pasties or a pub possibly depending on numbers and then end up at Baldhu in the afternoon.

Anyone got any better or alterrnative suggestions?

Date of Saturday 19th April seems to be favourable (I'll bring a birfdy cake!) but if anyone wants to come and that's difficult, let us know (maybe the sunday might be better)

Let us have yer thoughts!

All the best
I think Baldhu will do that!

So far KTM and DD are up for it, BillBord might be (i'll txt im), Charles probably will (and he knows the lane sround there pretty well) and kicker and co in the borrowed car, and coz it's me birfdy you all gotta buy me a big blue steak in the boozer!!!
Morning all, I'm in..........
I have a 50th 90 on loan from Mick at the moment as the Disco is in for a service (Long story) but it makes mine feel like proper shed........admitedly it has half the mileage of mine and is a couple of years younger.
But it's quicker, quieter, the gearbox is nice and tight, steering as well.
Shows that mine could do with some suspension renewal......I would consider buying if wasn't such a stupid colour:D!!!!!!!

Hope yer gonna bring it along on 19th, so we can all have a go in it!
Did you know that Cornwall contains 126 miles of Byways ?
:D :) :D :) :D :) :D :)

...But where the eck are they :confused:

There's helluva lot round Baldhu, and some at Roseland peninsula - i will have a look and se if i can print a map off and maybe we can check out a route on it and go and have a look before the big day!

Now all I need is permission from the boss to go and get the D3 dirty the week before we go playing in the Lakes :rolleyes:
Just tel her she can go to the summer sales:D - and that you wouldn't want to be driving up the M's 5 and 6 in a CLEAN D3 would you???

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