OD Buy a welder get one that starts at about 40amps and goes upto about 120amps get a load of scrap steel from a skip (ask 1st of course) and practise, practise, practise. You'll soon get the hang of it. It's not as hard as it looks. also check out the welding forum in my siggy.
Thanks Red, will do - i am hoping to move house soon to one with a big garage which will give me some space to master it properly - MOT is Friday so won't be able to get the hang of it by then, but as sed it's DEFFO on me to do list - and no doubt will post some of me finest artwork on ere for all to see!
Thanks Red, will do - i am hoping to move house soon to one with a big garage which will give me some space to master it properly - MOT is Friday so won't be able to get the hang of it by then, but as sed it's DEFFO on me to do list - and no doubt will post some of me finest artwork on ere for all to see!

New house, big garage, in Cornwall? Feck they must be paying you too much:D

I have a garage just a bit too low to get a landy in:mad: big garage with a 4 poster would be nice.

I must confess my last atempt at welding on an old beetle was appaling, maybe we could go halfies on a welder.
I'd be up fer it if you want, maybe get someone to show us the ropes!

Just been out chatting to the MOT man and we had a look up on his ramps at the original botch job on the chassis (just where it bends up at the back) and it really is quite shocking - dubiously DIY welded on patches, which is what i would be in danger of doing if i got me hands on it at the mo! I've asked him to go the whole hog and get it really pukka (apparently his welder is the Beez Knees) so i can properly wax and prep it and look after it!

House with garage is a trade off - nice area with no garage for not-so-nice area (but on the beach!) with garage - if only they were paying me enough!!
Getting a Good welder is half the battle. Practise is the other half. Once you've got both you've cracked it. Goto Adult Ed evening classes to learn the basics.
Mr Pikey sir ,, what would you recommend as a good starter welder for complete numpties
Mr Pikey sir ,, what would you recommend as a good starter welder for complete numpties

One of these would be a good buy. Clarke - MIG151EN Turbo 'No-Gas' MIG Welder - Dual Purpose and "No Gas" MIG Welders - Machine Mart

fluxcored (no gas) wire is great when welding outside as the wind can't blow the gas away from the weld. But at £10 for a 1lb roll it gets very

Just had a look on the migwelding forum and fount this thread on which hobby welder to buy and he seems to agree with me Which Hobby MIG to Buy??? - MIG Welding Forum
Major numpty question Pikey, how long does a 1 lb roll last - how many inches of weld - say 4mm plate - would it do - are we talking prohibitive cost or inconvenient cost with the no gas stuff?
I just welded a new rear crossmember on and added 4 reinforcing patches each about 6"x3" and welded 2 patches to the chassis ends and I used 3 full rolls So 3lb of 0.8 wire (1.35kg) at a cost of £30, a 5kg roll of ordinary wire costs £11.73 You have to figure in the cost of the gas, but that wouldn't be much for the actual gas The initial outlay for a bottle and regulator is about £40/£50.

for 4mm plate or thicker get an Arc welder You get much better welds. and it's a lot easier to learn to weld using a stick welder. Also get an autodarkening welding helmet of fleabay there's a guy in the USA ships em over here I got mine for £25 inc P&P it takes a while for em to arrive but the cheapest uk one i've seen is £85
Hi just a quick message, there are a few places in chacewater which are good, we take our range rover up there, as use to live there so know it quite well, if you go to wheal jane there is a back road that runs down to the village which is pretty fun, but the top part of wheal jane is really good you would enjoy it up there. was looking at going to baldhu this week, did you actually go in the end, wondering if they are open friday?

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