I haven't laughed that much in a long time, flat ! No really, I haven't, that's the funniest thing I've read in a long time o_O:D
I'm guessing that you found that nugget on Facebook.
Okay just found a generic article that talks about a thermal element on the front of viscous fans that opens and closes valves internally to the fan in response to temperature

Learn something new every day!

Is it theoretically possible to over heat an engine when the vehicle is at standstill or little air is coming in through the rad? Surely no or little air would affect the fan?

Or does it work on the ‘ambient’ engine bay air temperature?
I haven't laughed that much in a long time, flat ! No really, I haven't, that's the funniest thing I've read in a long time o_O:D
I'm guessing that you found that nugget on Facebook.
Okay just found a generic article that talks about a thermal element on the front of viscous fans that opens and closes valves internally to the fan in response to temperature

Learn something new every day!

So based on that, theoretically is it possible to over heat and engine of the vehicle is stationary and no air (or little air) is coming through the road?
Okay just found a generic article that talks about a thermal element on the front of viscous fans that opens and closes valves internally to the fan in response to temperature

Learn something new every day!

So based on that, theoretically is it possible to over heat and engine of the vehicle is stationary and no air (or little air) is coming through the road?
at idle the unlocked turning fan is enough to keep it cool ,maybe not in serious hot conditions

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