
New Member
Hi all.
Checked coolant level on my 4lr yr 2000 Thor v8
Found it to be well low of cold level
There are signs of coolant loss on expansion tank overflow pipe
So I topped up and ran engine, top hose started to inflate and pressurise
I understand this to be common symptom of slipped liner but my
Block had top hat liners put in 3 yrs ago
Is there anything else that can cause same symptoms & if so
What should I be checking
Cheers for any help
first why did you have top hat lines fitted? top hat liners are not a fix for cracked block, it could just be hgf but my shot would be block is fubar. i am sorry if this is not what you wanted to hear, but thats my shot..
Have you checked the bottom of the radiator for any signs of a leak? can be a common problem from what I've been reading.

I think pressure in the top hose is normal (hope so anyway ;) ), as long as the pressure drops when the engine cools.
Liners fitted by previous owner due to slipped liner issue
Top rad pipe blowing up and is solid car not overheating
Just done 80 mile run
What is hgf
Liners fitted by previous owner due to slipped liner issue
Top rad pipe blowing up and is solid car not overheating
Just done 80 mile run
What is hgf

Tony, HGF is Head Gasket Failure.

My advice is first of all, buy a new thermostat, flush the system and then refill it making sure you do not have any air locks. Run it for a shortwhile and top up if necessary then go get yourself a pressure test at a local garage who can also test your water for carbon gasses. If all is OK there then it might be your 'O' Rings leaking on your heating system. If that is the case then there is plenty of advice/methods available on this site or If it is gasses in the water then your problem is a failed head gasket or a cracked block (as J says).... this will mean probably a new engine.

Good Luck

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if the head gasket was knackered would that not cause the oil to go like mayo?
or does it not always happen like that.
no ,usualy blow from one cylinder to another and or to water way, feel each side of thermostat to make sure its working ,feel rad all over to make sure its working

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