Jolly good...hope it was a big 'un...lots of cca's to start it on cold mornings...ought to be at that price.
Convoy now stands at 295 with a limit set to 350. This is so ensure that a 4.75km parade (including 1-2 car lengths between) will fit on the 6Km track at JLR.
Right then, myself and Chris Clark are setting off from Melksham, Wilts on Friday morning and meeting Freediscoranger in Circencester. My Marshals list shows two guys from Devizes (Rob W and Nick Mc) in Series Rovers travelling on Friday too so if they wanna join us travelling through Wootton, the more the merrier :D

Storm did you manage to hook up with Mathias?
I suspect they're not running them side by side due to the Guinness World Record regulations... quite strict about stuff, they are...
Silverstone is apparently 3.667 miles long (at its longest).

350 Land Rovers with up to a 2-car-length gap in between works out to be roughly 4.8km (4.6m * 3 * 350), which equates to 3 miles.

So they could get a few more in at SIlverstone, but not many...

And i've assumed the average length of a Land Rover is 4.6m for the purposes of this... I could be miles off though! :D

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