Mr Noisy

Coming in your ears.
Was last up there in April and had to alter out route due to a number of seasonal closures and/or lane repairs that had temporarily shut the lanes.

Only just thought of this in the last 5 minutes so haven't checked the route through yet online but is anyone up for it?

Potential to camp Sunday night aswell for an earlier start on Monday!

I can't join you as much as I'd love too!

Check the Lakes web site. Loads of lanes have closed since I last went green laning a good few years ago!

Shame they were some brilliant tracks too!
Yeah, we were there a couple of weeks ago, doing Gatesgarth, and there are a few closures.

Must admit to not thinking the lanes were up to much .. though they'd be different in bad or snowy weather, but we had it pretty decent so it made it pretty damn easy!

We did find a couple of 'new' lanes though, unclassifieds rather than Byways, but very worthy and probably better than many supposedly good lanes .. if you want the gpx of them pm me an email addy and I'll send them as an attachment.
Ok thanks Paul yeah it is a touch tame these days especially since the resurfacing!

Nice scenery though which makes up for it and a few good fords!

Will pm now Paul thanks!
Ok thanks Paul yeah it is a touch tame these days especially since the resurfacing!

Nice scenery though which makes up for it and a few good fords!

Will pm now Paul thanks!

Yeah, the re-surfacing did it .. they're mostly either compacted small grit, larger loose rocks or a combination of.

And definitely the scenery is amazing.

While we were up there we went over HardKnotts and Wrynose but this time we stopped at the Roman Fort on HardKnotts, you can hardly see it from the road .. feckin' amazing place, well worth an hour parking, walking the few hundred yards and enjoying the amazing views up and down the valleys! I was gob-smacked by it, breath-taking stuff, especially if you go to the Northern side, if you're into that sort of thing .. ;)
Sorry to those requesting lanes, but I, indeed anyone, can't send attachments on pm or forwarded through LZ .. and logistics aside I'll only send them to people I think I 'know' virtually or have already been out laning with .. Sorry.
Dam wish i could come but got kids school stuff to get and that is going to cost the earth never mind doing a trip out.
Plus it would have been nice to see you again sam.
Have a good day and lots of pic's pls
GRRRRRRR!!!! Why do people always plan a cracking outing when ive got no money!! Ive been on jury service for the past 2 weeks so haven't had a wage since! I couldn`t even do a run in the peaks im that skint! :( and on the last bank holiday of the year!
Next time for sure my new wheels/tyres/bodylift are itching for a shakedown!
I have no diff guards on mine or anything…….my disco is completely stripped to standard at the minute!

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