
New Member
Done a search cannot find anything that matches. I cannot get hot air on a 1998 4.0 SE from the heater, no book symbol showing and you can switch the flow of air using the switches. Temperature gauge reads normal. This problem only started after I had the aircon regassed, don't know if thats got anything to do with it.
Done a search cannot find anything that matches. I cannot get hot air on a 1998 4.0 SE from the heater, no book symbol showing and you can switch the flow of air using the switches. Temperature gauge reads normal. This problem only started after I had the aircon regassed, don't know if thats got anything to do with it.
I think a deeper search is required...

The lack of temp changes is most often attributable to the Blend Motors....these little buggers open and close flaps to blend fresh air with air through the heater matrix.

They tend to fail by either stalling or stripping gears, the replacement of these is a little fiddly but doable and relatively cheap too....

I suggest you do a search on here for Blend Motors and also take a gander at as the replacement procedure is well documented.
First step, check the hoses going to the heater matrix get hot, could be an airlock.
Could also be a duff heater matrix sensor, needs to go on diagnostics to check that.
Update: went out armed with toolbox this morning expecting to find lots of expensive nasties. What I actually found was the lead for the cd changer had wrapped itself around some sort of lever on side of heater. Disintangled everything works fine now, result.

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