
Active Member

Anyone been around Coniston in the Lakes last couple of days?

I know the weather is due to hold sub-zero with no more real snow fall but just wandered what was left on the ground?

Off on Family Holiday tomorrow and the household is spilt as to which vehicle, the "sensible" estate (fuel efficient, easy to load the 2month olds pram in) or the "rattly" Disco (only on road tyres anyway, pain to load the large pram and fuel...) for improved capability in the snow.

Any feedback on road conditions appreciated.

PS - Bump - Whats said on LZ stays on LZ unless 100% none controversial! ;)
and theres me thinkin I may get people on my side on here! :D

Your driving, so its your decision;););)

Or you could just say that those clever blokes on LZ said the roads weren't too clever and I'll need the disco, by the time she realises the truth, it'll be too late:doh: At which point, you something along the lines of "Useless wa**ers , i thought they would know what they were talking about":mad::mad:"............. Everybody's happy:cool::cool::cool:

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