I've bagged and tagged everything at the moment so I'm hoping this system will help me in the rebuild.

The turrets on the shocks have seen better days that's for sure so they will be on the order list.

Next job is to remove the rear tub. Went round WDing all the bolts I could find as it could be another week as I have a busy week ahead with work.
Also I must decide on a colour. At the moment it's a toss up between the new Range Rover red similar to the colour it is now or the other option I have thought about is Keswick Green. I have always loved that colour. I'll have a think which one.
So grabbed a couple of hours today and it was so windy I left the Landy in the garage to work on as it was so windy. So the easiest thing to do was strip the dashboard out.

All went quiet well really, but I wasny looking forward to seeing the state of the bulk head once the dash was out. It doesn't have any rot at all but judging by the puddles that used to accumulate on the footwells I would say
There could be trouble ahead.
Finally dash is out. Two horrible little 8mm bolts that hold the dashboard tray in took about half an hour to get out as they were tucked behind the wiring loom and what seemed about 6 feet long.
Any way now the worst part. I thought the 6 bolts holding the windscreen brackets on looked more rusty than the flag poles on the titanic. So with great worry I attempted to undo them and much to my surprise the came undone no problem.

Then once the screen and it's surround was removed I saw the extent of the rot. No wonder the missus was getting wet feet.

I'm hoping I can repair these areas, but it will all come down to what I find when I have removed all the matting and floor pans etc.
So managed to grab a few hours today. So today's escapades were to get the seat box out. Easier said than done 😩😢

Firstly I removed the bulkhead rubber matting. Unfortunately on doing this I discovered more rot on the bulkhead. 😩 when will it stop. The matting again was also still wet after weeks undercover. Next I removed the gearbox tunnel. 80% of the screw/bolts came out as did the angle grinder. Next was to remove the floor pans. Time for the angle grinder to make an appearance againas most of the Philips heads had all but rotted away.
Then after removing the floor pans I found how much rot was in the chasiss outriggers.

Then on to removing the seat box. Looking at the ECU and the many wires the panic started to set in. 1. How am I going to get this out & 2. Will it go back and will it ever work again. After unplugging the dreaded red connector block as expected there was signs of the problem oil sindrome. But saying that the engine never showed any signs of it.
Most of the bolts at the top of the box came undone no problem but on removing the seat box matting I saw the state of it at the bottom of it.

Then after some unbolting and some cutting all the bolts are off. I just cut through the handbrake cable as it was already snapped.
Next job was to remove the ECU 😱 Firstly I disconnected the fuse box next to the ECU and then unplugged the black ECU lead. There is a small silver box joined to the ECU wires no idea what it is. Any ideas out there?
Next was removing the twin batteries. Straight forward there. Then I noticed a box in the battery box. No idea what it is or for so again any ideas out there?

Then finally with everything unbolted out came the seat box. Once out I gave it the once over and I'm a bit unsure whether or not it's going to be salvageable or not.
The silver box with the ecu is a boost modulator.
And seen as the ecu has a td5 alive sticker on it (Been remapped), who are now Alive tuning it'll be one of these.
Have a read and all should become a little clearer :)
Td5 Turbo Booster Module
Yes that metalwork looks very tender. It's amazing the toll taken by dampness and road salt. Might need more than just a rear crossmember by the looks of things. Don't be downhearted though. At the end of it all you'll have the equivalent of a nearly new Land Rover that'll last you many years.
Wow. That's some severe rot! The seatbox is unreal! Good luck.
I know. Lifted up the rubber matting to reveal that. 😱😱 Bit of a shocker. I've had her for about 4 years now but not sure what it was used for before. Launching lifeboats by the looks of it 😂😂
Yes that metalwork looks very tender. It's amazing the toll taken by dampness and road salt. Might need more than just a rear crossmember by the looks of things. Don't be downhearted though. At the end of it all you'll have the equivalent of a nearly new Land Rover that'll last you many years.

Yes more and more rot as I go. Looking like I'm going to end up going down the new chassis root if this continues. It is what it is. A Land Rover 😂
Jesus! Has this been parked in the sea? Good luck with the rebuild mate.
Cheers mate. Just would like a bit more time on it. Nothing worse than having a good day on it and getting on well, and the not touching it again for another week. Just so busy with work at the moment. Still shouldn't complain I suppose.

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