Next time I've just 4 bolts to remove the bulkhead then it's engine and box removal time. Not so long before I start that I hope. 👍
No time spent on the Landy to date but I was looking at it yesterday as was wondering if anyone knows what or were or why there is oil coming from the intercooler.

Also I have a rather nice item I'm picking up tomorrow which should push this project on. 😏😏😏😏😏
Just removed the cooler now and there seems to be a mass of oil in there. There also seems to be oil around the breather on top of the rocker cover. Could there be a breather problem? Or is there anyway to check the oil seals in the turbo.
Well after a bit of a hectic work schedule and a holiday I've managed to get back on with my Landy. After removing the bulkhead it was Tim to get the engine and gearbox's out. So first I removed the propshafts which was simple enough.

Then once they were unbolted I removed the power steering pipes from the pump. Next was to remove all the mounting nuts from the gear box and engine. Next I unbolted the earth strap on the gear box and finally removed the remaining wiring loom.
Then with the use of my mobile engine hoist or digger as I call it it was lift off time. For some reason Land Rover or someone seems to only have attached one lift eye. Oh we'll never mind. Sh*t or bust time as I could not believe the weight of this little lot.

Then I split the engine from the box. Once apart I noticed a lot of oil inside the bell housing which I thought was a bit strange. Also the clutch used to slip when you put your foot down in 5th but the clutch still has life in it, but the flywheel face was a bit blue so not sure if that would come down to a week pressure plate.
Then managed to get the engine on the stand ready for a good wash down. Also cleaned up the box.

Decided to remove the knackered injector loom today as I was pushed for time which was straight forward or so I thought. Took out the loom then thought I'd just drain the oil ready for a service. Nice easy job so I thought. Sump plug was stuck fast and then rounded off. Probably because I was rushing it so I thought I'd turn it on the engine stand a bit to get a better go at removing the plug. Don't try this at home as I then had drained my oil all across the workshop floor via the head, because I learnt that once s lump like that starts to turn you ain't stopping gravity. needless to say I didn't take any pics as I was far to busy swearing and looking for sand.
On the plus side I got the sump plug out
I'm looking into clutches at the moment. Can anyone recommend a good all round clutch for my Landy. It's running about 180bhp and tows trailers and caravans a fair bit. I've been told to change
The fly wheel whilst it's all out. But to be fair the DM fly wheel seems ok. Any thought from you guys will be great fully received. Should be getting on with my rebuild but I'm chocker block with work at the moment so sadly it comes first
Right it's been a while since I've done anything to my beautiful Land Rover but thought it's time to start up again. Been giving my workshop a clear up over the BH weekend and guess what under all my crap I found a Land Rover I started to rebuild and not a very expensive storage/shelf ;)and I'm eager to get started on her again. Basically I think I need to start cleaning up the engine ready to go back in. Now when it was removed it was running fine apart from a bit of a **** to start sometimes which I've put down to injector seals which I will be doing. So this leads me on to my question to you all.Question 1. Should I strip the engine down and check everything and rebuild with all new gaskets etc and question 2 if I do does anybody do what I call a gasket set like I used to buy for my old fords years ago? With all seals, gaskets, head bolts etc and if anyone does who and what's the best set. Look forward to your replies.
having just got mine back on the road after 2 years the only thing that I keep thinking is i will i had had the engine rebuilt
but then again how far do you want to go?
having just got mine back on the road after 2 years the only thing that I keep thinking is i will i had had the engine rebuilt
but then again how far do you want to go?
Hi Greyhair, this is my dilemma. On one hand as it was running sweet as a nut but on the other hand should I do it whilst everything is accessible and I know it should be 100%.
having just got mine back on the road after 2 years the only thing that I keep thinking is i will i had had the engine rebuilt
but then again how far do you want to go?
Me too, sort of. But, it was running fine before and is now. Only difference is it's not all painted and shiny. I didn't think about rebuilding it, just painting it. I'll save the engine rebuild for when I retire. Hopefully, it won't go before then :eek::)
Finally got a spare day so done a bit today. Cut the old chassis today to get the fuel tank out as someone has welded up the cradle bolts.
Pulled out the rear wiring loom through the chassis.
Removed the exhaust
Removed the power steering res, looked at removing the steering rods but just wd40'd them for the time being. %5BURL=[/IMG][/URL]

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