but unless you park over a nice smooth white floor - they won't be very effective??

All dedicated new Range rover parking bays, coming to a supermarket car park near you soon, will be white marble. As a bonus for our Asian friends, who are around here the only ones that can afford them, usually on motobility. Running over something white will be a serious ego trip.:D:D:D
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No way would I pay to advertise for someone else. The car companies should pay us to have these.
:behindsofa: yep :behindsofa:


naughty boy !!! :p

let us know how you get on !!!

full write up please.. just as i would expect from you ;)

id seen these a while ago... just put off by the fact you have to take apart half the door to fit them lol

naughty boy !!! :p

let us know how you get on !!!

full write up please.. just as i would expect from you ;)

id seen these a while ago... just put off by the fact you have to take apart half the door to fit them lol
For 12 quid thought I give 'em a go....write is a given, you guys know me!!!

I am thinking of placing them where the current puddle lamps are and get our machinst at work to knock up some adaptors to fit the puddle lamp holes and fit these projector lamps into, that way I won't have to drill or in anyway modify the door at all.....best laid plans and all that!!

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