They want all cars over 10 years old scrapped. A really good green global warming solution.
This is one of the things that bugs me about humans, the planet is fine, it has been here for billions of years, do we really think we could harm it? And are we so egotistical that we think we can stop nature? Forcing everyone into a milk float isn't going to change a thing.

Good news for every classic car owner, people who live pay cheque to pay cheque and generally people who prefer older vehicles to modern behemoths which are unnecessarily large yet offer no extra space inside. What we need is a car from the 80s say a Golf Mk1 with the moderen efficent engine, gearbox and suspension from a Golf Mk5. That'd be the perfect car. Light and small yet clean running and all of the POWA modern man demands.
they definately want cars scrapped after a few years makes sense for the manufactures,there was a very interestin program on the other week about gordon murrays career and new tiny concept green car ,according to him manufacture of cars produces much bigger carbon foot print than manufactures and government admit ,making keeping old cars kept on the road more green that they will admit ,the mans a genius
I saw that programme, was quite educational, the shaving 10% from the weight of cars will do more to save the baby polar bears than Prius drivers has motivated me to find 250kg.
I saw that programme, was quite educational, the shaving 10% from the weight of cars will do more to save the baby polar bears than Prius drivers has motivated me to find 250kg.

You cannot save the baby Polar bears. They must adapt to survive as did their ancestors. A polar bear is no more than a adapted Grizzly. The Earth decides what goes on, powered by that big yellow thing in the sky. We cannot change anything. Governments can however say they can, if we pay them tax to help. Total and utter bull****. A robbing bastards charter.
You cannot save the baby Polar bears. They must adapt to survive as did their ancestors. A polar bear is no more than a adapted Grizzly. The Earth decides what goes on, powered by that big yellow thing in the sky. We cannot change anything. Governments can however say they can, if we pay them tax to help. Total and utter bull****. A robbing bastards charter.
Here here bring on the revalsion
You cannot save the baby Polar bears. They must adapt to survive as did their ancestors. A polar bear is no more than a adapted Grizzly. The Earth decides what goes on, powered by that big yellow thing in the sky. We cannot change anything. Governments can however say they can, if we pay them tax to help. Total and utter bull****. A robbing bastards charter.

I couldn't have put it better:)
I was on the Thames yesterday, and my companion refused to throw the paper, biodegradable teabag over board having made tea on the grounds that "we must be nice to the environment"... *cough* massive 1987 American 2 stroke outboard on back of boat *cough*

One of my many little allegories for how one can do all the 'green' actions they like - our Landys shall undo them, and industry and other great operations shall remove them from history.
How many environmentals own TV sets, use lightbulbes, live in houses, eat food, drink tap/bottled water, use batteries, etc? I suspect all of them, which makes everyone of them a hypocrite as every one of those items will harm the environment.

If they really care they'd live off of the land using only what they find in nature, but then since all enviromentals are middle class folks which heaps of money (normally inherited) so they can fight the important issues in life, like pushing up food and fuel costs for everyone else.
How many environmentals own TV sets, use lightbulbes, live in houses, eat food, drink tap/bottled water, use batteries, etc? I suspect all of them, which makes everyone of them a hypocrite as every one of those items will harm the environment.

If they really care they'd live off of the land using only what they find in nature, but then since all enviromentals are middle class folks which heaps of money (normally inherited) so they can fight the important issues in life, like pushing up food and fuel costs for everyone else.
so true
If they really care they'd live off of the land using only what they find in nature, but then since all enviromentals are middle class folks which heaps of money (normally inherited) so they can fight the important issues in life, like pushing up food and fuel costs for everyone else.

also known as a holes
Most of the so called green devices are a con, low energy fluorescent light bulbs are one example, on a dust to dust basis, ie cost of manufacture in energy and materials and cost of safe disposal, they use more energy than a normal filament bulb which, by the way also give useful amounts of heat, much needed in winter. And as for wind turbines, a total joke, too much wind, safety shut down, too little wind, don't work, and when they do work the energy is useless as it takes hours to reduce power from other sources and days in the case of nuclear so the energy is just wasted.

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