Well the fluid has leaked at the slave, master seems to be ok but I will change them as a pair.

What I was thinking was if the rod pushed through, the fork, that subsequent pushes of the pedal would simply blow the rod out of the cylinder, resulting in instant fluid loss. Just a theory, happy to be wrong, so where's my rod gone? :)

The pedal never became soft/spongy over time or anything like that. I just went to change gear and it went halfway the gear change so that I ended up in neutral.
You're rod is lying at the bottom of the housing or hanging half way through the clip. Did you see my previous post? I think I was editing it when you last posted and so you wouldn't be able to see it.
I could be wrong, but I think if the rod had pushed through the clip before you took it apart, the clutch pedal would have gone flat to the floor. Fingers crossed.
You're rod is lying at the bottom of the housing or hanging half way through the clip. Did you see my previous post? I think I was editing it when you last posted and so you wouldn't be able to see it.
I could be wrong, but I think if the rod had pushed through the clip before you took it apart, the clutch pedal would have gone flat to the floor. Fingers crossed.

Cheers, yes we were posting at the same time. I'll have a poke around. When you did yours, did the rod stick out from the bell housing a little? Mine was inside and I could not see how you would be able to line it up with the centre of the slave unless it sticks out at least a little.
Cheers, yes we were posting at the same time. I'll have a poke around. When you did yours, did the rod stick out from the bell housing a little? Mine was inside and I could not see how you would be able to line it up with the centre of the slave unless it sticks out at least a little.

Yes it did.
Having said that, as I pulled the slave free from the housing and it pulled the push rod, I nearly lost it. It's hellish tight and awkward working in that area and difficult to see what is going on. You could have easily jiggled it loose, it could have been hanging from the clip with the end just lying on the edge of the housing hole. You might have caught it and it fell inside.
I've took a pic but left my phone in the car :) It probably won't come out anyway though as it's a really difficult place to get a pic.

I did what I should have done yesterday today, I raised the beast up on axle stands and disconnected the front section of the exhaust so that I could push it to one side. This made access slightly easier.

Removing the slave has been made more complicated by the fact that it's upside down, so due to the shape of the pipes it's actually impossible to get a flare spanner on it when it's in situ. With the slave removed and held in vice grips, I had enough room to get the fare spanner on and loosen the nut :)

With the slave out of the way, I had a root around in the opening and I could feel the pushrod. It's still connected, so that's good news but it's right inside the lip of the opening.

If I try to pull the pushrod out a bit, will it come out some more or will it pop off? EDIT: I will give it a go. Not hopeful after reading this http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f7/clutch-slave-push-rod-stuck-197848.html
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I don't think you need to pull it out. The slave goes inside the housing, so just lift the end of the rod up and guide it in to the end of the slave as you locate it in the housing. It's a fiddly job in an awkward place, but I can't remember it being too difficult. good luck.
I've teased it to the end of the housing. It actually seems to be held in quite firmly. The way it was before there is no way the slave would have lined up with it as it was lying beneath the lip of the housing. It's going to need to stick out a little to be able to line it up with the slave.

As you say, it will be a tricky job. Hopefully putting it back will be easier than getting it off! At least I can make sure the new one goes in the right way around.

Just waiting for the parts now.
Whilst I wait on parts and to get to get well, I've been doing some more reading.

I wish I had found Buster's guide earlier. Looking at Busters pic here (stolen from his guide here http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/f41/clutch-slave-cylinder-renewal-92504.html),

You can clearly see the slave rod sticking out some distance. Mine does not, it's just inside the casing, has anyone else experienced this? I don't think it's normal and could mean the fork is knacked.
OK - quick thought here.

Use your digital camera to get a good look up into the area. With the slave out, you should be able to get your phone camera up there and snap a half-dozen shots (remember to set it to close-up!). With luck this will let you at least define the problem so you can see if things need to come apart.

Were it me I'd have a mole wrench on the end of that shaft and be pushing it in and out. if it thru the fork it should offer litte resistance to going in (oo eck!).
No, Trax. I use a laptop. You got a tablet?

yeah. they look well handy. i didn't realise they were so cheap now!

if i could link to an android tab then it would be a winner.. but a quick google only shows issues and nobody having it work.

ah i see they are making slightly more pricey android versions now.. and even wifi! nice
New clutch master, flexi and slave fitted. Clutch bled and pedal now rock hard. Pedal moves down about 1/2" and no further. So as suspected it looks like the fork is stuffed.
bugger :frown:

Worse things happen at sea :) and the sun shone. At least I know I can fix it and I have a full clutch kit in the garage. All the hydraulics have been renewed, so should last a good few years. Called in a local expert to give it a once over:


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