
New Member
Ok - I feel my Disco may be introducing me into the world of old Land Rovers gently.

When I open any of the doors the clock and the radio reset themselves. Does anyone have any idea where to look, or am I in for a weekend with a multimeter!


Ok - I feel my Disco may be introducing me into the world of old Land Rovers gently.

When I open any of the doors the clock and the radio reset themselves. Does anyone have any idea where to look, or am I in for a weekend with a multimeter!



Sorry steve but i gotta laugh cause i know how much that would do yer nut in :D
well its obviously cutting a perm live, theres a start! the rest just couldnt be followed on a forum without being there unless its common?? i aint had that, and or someone else has had the prob.
As the door opening is meant to ground the inner lights which are powered by perm live - i would think it is a high resistance (maybe on a door switch) which is pulling the perm live down on volts. duz it do the same if you open any other door than the drivers door?
Thanks you two.

It's ANY door including the tailgate

And your rigth RAZ8550TDI - it REALLY does do your nut in..

if its any door - thenn it cant be a door switch. It has to be somewhere common to all. Duz it do it if yu turn on an interior light?
Funnily enough - just after I made my last post I thought "Does it do it if I turn the light on" - spooky

Withh all the doors shut it does the same when I switch the light on (which incidently doesnt)
mine did it....was the fuse gone.....think its the top fuse in b column in fuse box
Thank you all

It was the fuse. All is very well and happy now, and the radio isn't upsetting me anymore:)

Your help is appreciated


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