I have subscribed to CLR since about issue 6 and think it is the best of the Land Rover magazines . But I would say that as I have had an article about mine in it . I occasionally buy LRO , but usually only for any Series One content .
Over the years I have noticed that CLR , like the others , can get a bit samey with numerous articles on Series vehicles restorations which tend to blur into one . The articles that stand out are on Land Rovers that are unusual and not run of the mill . However , it must be tough trying to keep the magazine fresh and interesting , so I am not surprised there are articles creeping in of early Defenders and Range Rovers. They don't particularly interest me, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who are interested .

If have a Series Land Rover , or intend to get one , it is certainly worth reading, but wether it is worth getting a subscription only you can decide .

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