So got the radio off hex and all works!! bonus!!
Now need a code for it anyone got any links/ ideas?

There's loads on tinterweb but not sure which one to trust? ?


FFS now I've gone and locked the thing up!!!!!

____ on screen now left if for an hour turned on but no joy! Any ideas people??

woo hoo all working now, well nearly?

just got the really annoying buzzing from the speake problem! no sound!

ive searched on here and found the fix from a fellow member called poppers, i know this will solve the issue just need to view the pics he posted but they dont work, just keep coming up 'not found'.

anyone else know of this thread or know how i can get hold of the pics??

thread is ttiled P38 Clarion radio FIX!!!


A tad harsh Mr P!!!
Stupid it may be but it works! Ive had the roses on full blast this morning whilst attacking the drivers door solenoid!!!

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