
had a little run for 120 plus miles - 6 up - into the LEZ territory yesterday along the A12 (sigh)
but topped up with nearly £40 quids worth of city diesel as it looked a good price.

never noticed much difference last night,
but today with only me + a little one on his school run,
then me all on my own, my old landie run as sweet as a nut,
even going so much better than its been running for a long time.
anyone else found this on city diesel, or is it just because I normally put Tesco derv in or tesco derv plus tesco bestest (cheapest) veggie brew..:rolleyes:
What's city diesel when its at home? :confused:

I've always found that mine runs brilliant on normal BP diesel. No idea what's special about it but there is a huge difference when running on it
Thinks its sainsburys own brand

Op I would of thought the long run peopled up and then just you empty after that good run and a clear out it felt like a rocket : D:p
City diesel is low sulphur, and low sulphur diesel is bad for engines, pumps etc as it is very dry and has minimul lubricants. I have heard that over here in N.Ireland Tesco, Sainsburys etc get first dibs on all the laundered diesel and sell it at their pumps.

Hence I shall be on the Raspberry aid ;)
I know city diesel out here is crap the car is not as powerful and is not as good on fuel, but yet when I run Ukraine diesel it runs lovley (old engine old spec diesel) same as my disco it runs great on ukriane diesel not as nice on polish diesel and my disco tends to have red diesel and veg oil in it mixed with normal white
My td5 is noticeably quieter when I put proper esso or shell etc diesel in when compared to supermarket petrol, it's also slightly more economical too.
I thought it was all low sulpher stuff thesedays??

some places add bio in B5 or B10 (5 or 10% mix) I know quite a few morrisons do.
So that's where I've been going wrong all these years.


on "sluggish" running days, I add a splash of 2t mixed petrol to thin the veggie mix out,
and it gives it a bit of a bigger bang too.
that too makes it run quiet, go quicker & rev more easily,

all the same outcomes as my newly found city diesel does.....:confused:
I think it's just proper garage fuel vs super market fuel, I notice a big difference when I put Shell or BP in vs the local Tesco's.. Better performance and better MGP too.
You might pay a bit less at the supermarket, but the extra few pence you pay for a branded fuel will work out cheaper in the long run. Better mpg, better for your engine. The supermarket fuel is cheap for a very good reason, it's less refined and mostly bought on the spot market (meaning it's been around for a while after it's blended).
My brother in law works in a fuel depot and he says different company's put in different additives the bigger suppliers ie bp shell and such like are the best the supermarkets are the worst so although supermarkets are generally cheaper you could pay for it in the Long run. I put a splash of two stroke in at every fill up and have done for years.
BP Ultimate Diesel mixed with my svo,runs sweet ,dont care if its 7p a litre more than reg i only pay £2.00 for 25l of veg oil
2 tons is a "splash"? How big is your fuel tank?? :D
2t is 2t,
2 tonnes is 2 tonnes,
cant see any same as between the 2..
Ahhhhh, I see it all now,
never heard of 2t before ?
chainsaws, lawnmowers, strimmers, leaf blowers, gennies,
oh yeh, scooters..........:rolleyes:
have a guess what fuel mixture you use in them...errrrrrr
2 stroke oils- be they straight, part synthetics or fully synthetics or even bio degradable for use on waterways, all are called 2t you see, for short.

so, 2t for me is 2t for you now matey..
only the disco is rated in 2 tonnes (tons if yer old)
other freds talk of the benefits of 2t as addatives to diesels of all kinds FYI.

went out in my `ol disco today,
used cold start to see if it smoked any -
nope, still running as sweet as a nut too.. :D

going to buy some more city derv in a big can,
run my veggie/2t/petrol/tesco derv out - nearly, then top up with city derv just for my soon to be MOT... seems a plan !!
I like the idea of running the fender on SVO or WVO mix when I get her. I am running my old Merc 250 on 90% WVO 10 % unleaded. Is it only the 200 or 300tdi that run well on the veg mix. I am researching which model would be best to get I'm after a 130 crewcab pickup.
with a 'modern' diesel engine - ie a common rail injection system then I would recommend every 3rd fill is with an ultimate type diesel, they have the detergents etc to keep the system clean. We specialise in diesel diagnostics and the number of CDIs we see with clogged intake systems due to short jtrips/cheap diesel. Dealers are no help, they plug in the diagnostic which tells them to change the injectors at several hundred quid each. This doesn't fix the problem. When this happens - blank off egr or replace and change fuel filter as well as removing inlet manifold and clean out the clag - I have seen inlet manifolds that are 80% clogged because of this.

So - city diesel from sainsburies - ok every now and then but not every day for a modern CDi
I like the idea of running the fender on SVO or WVO mix when I get her. I am running my old Merc 250 on 90% WVO 10 % unleaded. Is it only the 200 or 300tdi that run well on the veg mix. I am researching which model would be best to get I'm after a 130 crewcab pickup.

not tried it in the Series 3 yet - suspect all that is needed is a heater to keep it viscous. CDIs won't run on veg or any mix. Tdis you should be OK provided you add a pre or post filter heater.

We ran SVO 100% in the Ssanyong Mussos we had and they have the same engine as your Merc 250 - to my knowledge the only diesel engines that you can totally get away with just lobbing in veg are the old Merc one and the PSA XUD you find in Citroen BXs/306s etc but only if on a Bosch fuel pump.

I suspect that the Defender engine will be fine the issue will be with the fuel pump - as a general rule Bosch yes - Lucas - no

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