Just 'coz I haven't been on here much for a few days.......

I'm still in for this one......provided the house rewire doesn't go pear shaped, which it shouldn't.

Now must away again, and back to packing things into boxes and out of the way :(
Can't make it ... Had scan at 3pm, just got back ..

Nerve is getting better but not fast enough. They don't think I need surgery but they do say I should do everything I can to not jolt it or make it worse .. and green-laning on anything other than farmers tracks would probably come into that category. They haven't said specifically no, obviously 'cos they can't, but strongly suggested it to me, and me being a feckin' coward has decided that I won't come, not worth it for future health etc.

Having a few months off from doing anything now will mean I can green-lane all the more in future and start trialling again, maybe .. ;)

Made the decision that the first real trip out since the last Long Mynd do will be Redhands Wild Weekend on Salisbury Plain. Should give me enough time to heal better, though I intend to do plenty exercise and a few 'easy' local green lanes every so often, but nothing that's likely to be more than a drive out that's just a little bumpier than a bumpy thing .. ;)
sorry to hear that mate sounds like not coming is for the best we shall no doupt see you on the wild weekend then

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