
New Member
Im looking for some well guided advice from the defender experts out there. I am from Toronto and travel to brasil every three months. This is where the love and obsession has started with the defender 110. I am hoping to buy one in the near future and need advice, first on which year before 2002 was the most reliable 110 built? I have many other questions but this would be great to start. thanks
The most reliable Land Rover was built on 15th August 2001 at 11.07am.

Unfortunately it is not for sale and all the others are unreliable.
Im looking for some well guided advice from the defender experts out there. I am from Toronto and travel to brasil every three months. This is where the love and obsession has started with the defender 110. I am hoping to buy one in the near future and need advice, first on which year before 2002 was the most reliable 110 built? I have many other questions but this would be great to start. thanks

I would personally look for a 300tdi engine'd 110 or 200tdi. they are the most reliable versions but the 300tdi is more refined so nicer to drive.
Hi and thanks to Both of you for helping me Loz and Laurie!

Im not sure if Laurie from Lz will get this through hotmail since I didnt see an address for Laurie so i send it through Lz's site.

I am down in Rio de janeiro Brasil every three to four months and the condition of the defenders here is quite good. I am planning to make a purchase down here and then shipping it to Canada a couple years after. This part Im sure will not be easy either. First it will have to be 15yrs old before i can bring it up, im looking at around a 2000/2001 model, and who knows what other issues i might encounter.

Im glad to hear there is very little electronics in the engine, sure saves for a lot of headaches, but i see that i will have to really stay on top of the rust issues when in canada! The one problem i have with buying a used vehicle is that i dont trust most dealers down here. Is it easy to roll back the odometer on these trucks and is there tell tale signs to this kind of tampering?

Appreciate your taking the time to respond

lee Valcic
Very easy to wind back the mileage as all you do is put a drill in the back and run it backwards to see the miles drop off. At that age there is no easy way of telling as its probably been taken apart for other reasons as well. You could check back through MOT type test but I don't know what info you would get form them in S America but I would look at the overall condition . You could buy one at 100k miles and it's rotten to the core or one with a much higher mileage that is rock solid (mine is on 215,000 miles and is bang tidy) best bet is to go over the chassis very carefully take something metal and give a good knock to any rusty bits to expose holes or bad repairs. If you are buying a 2000 plate then it would be a TD5 engine which does have a few more electrical bits than a 200/300 tdi
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