He caused his problem, he has been told how to fix it. Got quite nasty so he can go to hell.
Hes not one to quit our Data.

He’s either doing his concreting

Or he’ll be back soon enough with complete spreadsheets with/without viscous.
I bet :D:)
With/without egr would be my interest.
Hes not one to quit our Data.

He’s either doing his concreting

Or he’ll be back soon enough with complete spreadsheets with/without viscous.
I bet :D:)
With/without egr would be my interest.

EGR makes no difference to running of engine. But blanking it does keep the internals of the manifold and inlet tracts clear of crap. But instead of spending £40.00 + on a EGR blanking unit, just remove your fitted one, clean it out, make sure the closure spring is sound and blank off the vac pipe to it. Job done.
So having a MAF makes no difference to how much fuel is put in, compared to no MAF?
Just monitors it differently?

MAF has nothing to do with fuelling other than the inlet air temp it registers, which is used along with coolant temp, fuel temp to fine adjust fuel quantity. MAF is for measuring ingested exhaust gas when EGR is active, it has nothing to do with fuelling other than previously stated.
They bodged the IAT then :D
Only there as a value to stop EDC having hissy fit?

Yes there is a IAT preset in the ECU for EGR engines. From memory -38.88. Taking the IAT at the MAF is rather like wearing a top coat in Portsmouth because it is snowing in Glasgow. Think it is designed to ensure EGR works under all ambient conditions.
So long as it runs well then that would be fine with me..

Feel like we're pushing shít uphill with this modulation carp...
So long as it runs well then that would be fine with me..

Feel like we're pushing shít uphill with this modulation carp...

Modulation is quite simple and easy to understand. It is the method used to position the injection pump static cam to adjust the point of injection. However several boxes need to be ticked to obtain a correct reading. RPM needs to be stable at idle. Engine temp needs to be stable, internal injection pump pressure needs to be stable and in conjunction with this fuel temp needs to be stable. Any of those components fluctuating or not being stable will give a false reading.

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