Yes it is if you fail to understand that there is no point in talking further. Unless you are in the middle of the Sahara at midday the engine should never get near 99.84 degrees at 750 RPM idle.
That maybe so, it was done for the purpose of testing but you fail to understand that. Given that the gauge stays at mid point to 105C according to Roman Rob, you wouldn't know if it got to 100 or 105C idling in the 42C we had here last year.
The facts have been presented to you many times, but your lack of knowledge and understanding prevents you from grasping them.
So you say, not seen any real substantive data from you on the subject, your best comment was ask Colin.
So you say, not seen any real substantive data from you on the subject, your best comment was ask Colin.

You really are getting annoying Keith. I have nothing against you, you just don't understand some very basic stuff. Modulation is checked at idle with the engine up to temp, up to temp can vary slightly due to ambient temps but generally is when the dash gauge is at 12 o'clock. That is why you get a 10% window 5% either side of the 50% ideal.
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You really are getting annoying Keith. I have nothing against you, you just don't understand some very basic stuff. Modulation is checked at idle with the engine up to temp, up to temp can vary slightly due to ambient temps but generally is when the dash gauge is at 12 o'clock. That is why you get a 10% window 5% either side of the 50% ideal.
The dash gauge is at mid point from 85C to 105C there is a significant variation in modulation between those extremes, much more than the +/-5%. You seem unable to understand that, plus you seem to have no idea what "up to temp" is in degrees centigrade. There are none as blind as they who do not wish to see.
The dash gauge is at mid point from 85C to 105C there is a significant variation in modulation between those extremes, much more than the +/-5%. You seem unable to understand that, plus you seem to have no idea what "up to temp" is in degrees centigrade. There are none as blind as they who do not wish to see.
If your engine is getting to 105 degrees at idle you have a problem. As said earlier the viscous fan stablises the temp at idle.
Keith you are like a person who has gone to the movies without knowing what the film is about, then have only watched half the screen. :D
If your engine is getting to 105 degrees at idle you have a problem. As said earlier the viscous fan stablises the temp at idle.
You have not read what I wrote have you? It does not sit at 105C at idle, indeed I did not take it up to 105C on my tests, so that comment is pure invention.
Keith you are like a person who has gone to the movies without knowing what the film is about, then have only watched half the screen. :D
Just another stupid comment because you don't have any sensible answers. Do you really like looking stupid?
Just another stupid comment because you don't have any sensible answers. Do you really like looking stupid?
Apparently you do. You don't have a clue. Your listed readings are a complete waste of space. There are other things to consider but you don't know what they are. Either listen and learn or stop talking rubbish.
You have not read what I wrote have you? It does not sit at 105C at idle, indeed I did not take it up to 105C on my tests, so that comment is pure invention.

You mentioned 105 degrees initially not i. See post #22.
Just as a reminder. Modulation is measured at idle with the engine up to temperature.
You two arguing like an old married couple is quite funny.. :D:confused:

I'll tell you what is quite funny. Removing the items that stabilise engine temp at idle, then wondering why you can't get a stable engine temp at idle.
I'll tell you what is quite funny. Removing the items that stabilise engine temp at idle, then wondering why you can't get a stable engine temp at idle.

If you are that bothered by it, tell him what you think the concern is, and at which temp it effects the modulation, otherwise shut up and leave him to his own devices. You obviously are niggled by this because you won't leave it be.
If you are that bothered by it, tell him what you think the concern is, and at which temp it effects the modulation, otherwise shut up and leave him to his own devices. You obviously are niggled by this because you won't leave it be.

He asked a question and did not like the answer, that is what this is all about. Never the less his problem is obvious, no need to do laughable charts to prove it. I would be worried if my P38 was idling at 99.84 degrees C when the stat opens for circulation at 80 C. He refuses to accept that his actions have caused his problem. Being a bit silly really.
He asked a question and did not like the answer, that is what this is all about. Never the less his problem is obvious, no need to do laughable charts to prove it. I would be worried if my P38 was idling at 99.84 degrees C when the stat opens for circulation at 80 C. He refuses to accept that his actions have caused his problem. Being a bit silly really.

But you are still replying, having said you had put the disagreement aside.
But you are still replying, having said you had put the disagreement aside.

The only thing that bothers me is him giving out incorrect info that others who are less capable and understanding may take as gospel. If he wants to change his method of cooling that is up to him. But he and any others who may wish to fit his mod and remove the viscous and shroud must be told the consequence of that action. The viscous fan is fitted for a reason it is not there just to look pretty. With a properly working viscous fitted the temp at idle would get nowhere near 99.84 degrees. Standard system pressure at idle varies between 5 and 7 PSI even if the engine has been idling all day. So the temp and system pressure are stable. The cap should be able to be removed and left off at idle with no boiling over. 99.84 is .16 short of boiling point that temp should never be reached at idle. To get an accurate modulation reading the temp must be stable at idle. Without the viscous fan that is not possible.

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