
New Member
got stopped a another p38 fan told me 2 look under bonnet to have a look at something different. well there a large jar with a pipe comin out and going to the inlet, in the jar was water, when engine was runnin the water was bubbling away was told that it was makin a hydrogen/oxygen mix and made the car go quicker abd more hp apparently its something out of the states. a couple of other cars are trying it around the country. anyone know anything about this?
Apparently you don't even need the water, if you just put an empty jamjar in your engine compartment you will never need to fill up with petrol again. It only works if you've been a really good boy and eaten up all your greens though.
thats the old version, the new one dunt even need the jam jar. these days the folk at HHO HQ will send you a large ammount of hot air which you can run your car on. it has been specially treated by being re-swallowed and allowed to pass through their gastric tract until it emerges out their arse with added methane.
they are at present working on the ability to talk out their arses thereby doing away with the need to produce the hot air from their mouths before having to breath it in again so as to be able to pass it out their arse in a form that burns easier
thats the old version, the new one dunt even need the jam jar. these days the folk at HHO HQ will send you a large ammount of hot air which you can run your car on. it has been specially treated by being re-swallowed and allowed to pass through their gastric tract until it emerges out their arse with added methane.
they are at present working on the ability to talk out their arses thereby doing away with the need to produce the hot air from their mouths before having to breath it in again so as to be able to pass it out their arse in a form that burns easier
Kind of like an EGR?
well yer need to stop stopping when folk say, " oi! you look gullible, come and have a look at this!"
the trouble is its been done before but this does work just wanted to know if anyone else had tried it before
do you really believe this.....????

VERY LITTLE WATER is needed...
1 quart/1 Litre of water (see photo) may last for MONTHS of driving (900 miles in my experience). How come? That's because this small device forces each Gallon of water to expand into gigantic proportions: 1833 Gallons of combustible gas!!!

Here's the best-kept secret the energy lords have been keeping from you about Hydrogen-On-Demand:
ffs thats nearly9000 ltrs of hydrogen from 1 ltr of water, yer can add the oxygen and other elements of water to that and you have a whooping 15000ish of stuff from 1 ltr of water. makes yer wonder why the earth dunt sink under all that weight
Apparently you don't even need the water, if you just put an empty jamjar in your engine compartment you will never need to fill up with petrol again. It only works if you've been a really good boy and eaten up all your greens though.

But the snag is you need to stick one end of a hosepipe into your arse, and the other end into your carbytooter inlet, and as long as you keep farting the methane gas will boost your HP by nearly 0.0000000000007%.
That's a fact. Charles Kirkpatrick says so.
The price of broccolli is bound to shoot up once Vortex goes public with their version made of stainless stell.

ffs thats nearly9000 ltrs of hydrogen from 1 ltr of water, yer can add the oxygen and other elements of water to that and you have a whooping 15000ish of stuff from 1 ltr of water. makes yer wonder why the earth dunt sink under all that weight

Here's the science.

Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen.
Nothing else is involved except 'negative ENERGY', which binds two hydrogen atoms to every one oxygen atom. Each oxygen atom is 16 times as heavy as a hydrogen atom, so, each H2O molecule has a mass of 18, 1 + 1 for the two Hs, and 16 for the O.

If we split a litre of water (which by definition weighs one kilo) we will liberate the two gases hydrogen and oxygen. We must put in POSITIVE energy to split the water molecules. There is currently NO OTHER WAY TO DO IT.

From one kilo of water we will get about one-ninth of a kilo of Hydrogen gas, say about 110 grams. As an amount of fuel, this is worth about as much as an eggcup full of diesel = bugger-all.

The amount of energy that MUST be put IN to the process of splitting the water will be MUCH MORE than any energy received by burning the hydrogen, no matter how it is done.

Once again, this whole thing is a SNAKE OIL SCAM!

the trouble is its been done before but this does work just wanted to know if anyone else had tried it before

Do me a favour, and tell me you don't really think we're so gullible as to believe, that you actually believe. That you can run a car on water. Nobody can be that stupid. Ok fair enough you have to try and sell this crap. But please don't come here pretending to be some landy enthusiast who's seen the light and is trying to do us all a favour by getting us to run our cars on water.

Just put your advert up and then **** off and stop wasting our time.
I have various jars, buckets and cans in my shed, with or without lids which are full with a special mixture of oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen which can sustain life on this planet or alternatively be used to replace fossil fuels.

Will be sold to the highest bidder at an auction to be held on the Virgin islands, by invitation only, i cannot confirm or deny that Osama, Bush, Brown, Shergar and a lady with huge mammaries have already agreed to attend.

If you wish to attend please leave a grand taped to the belly of the biggest lion you can find at Longleat safari Park on saturday 23 feb 2008, between noon and quarter past.

I will then send a courier from the moscow state circus, dressed as a monkey, to personally escort you to the auction. Black tie please.
ive made a mini version at work using a jar and stainless steel wire,and it
does actually produce hho browns gas a type of hydrogen.Its easier to fit to carbs than fuel injection,look on you tube for vids of conversions.
ive made a mini version at work using a jar and stainless steel wire,and it
does actually produce hho browns gas a type of hydrogen.Its easier to fit to carbs than fuel injection,look on you tube for vids of conversions.
a link wid be handy:rolleyes:

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