I am looking to hire a unit short term and do it myself I can see the biggest job would to remove the body there may be a unit I can get for £100 per month not sure what supplies are available but if there is are decent beams over head I will block and tackle the body
If you’re mechanically minded , can weld and have a decent tool set, I’d say go for it, but if you can’t weld to a decent standard that will last and pass and MOT , I would still find someone , you don’t want to weld it up and then 6 months down the line , need doing again.. welding is witchcraft.. god I wish I could do it to a good standard, but it’s a snotty mess and I have not got the time nor patience. Can do everything else.. I do wish you good luck, it’ll be emotional, once you get that grinder out, no going back!

And absolutely make sure you have someone with you while you weld / have body off, under the car while welding , fire, sparks etc, best to have someone spot you and keep eye out , more for safety than anything
That seems the genrel concensus and I am not going to spend 10k so I my train of thought is that no one seems to want to do it so f### it , do it myself what have I got to loose , I busted thought there may of been a small chance that there was a garge out there , even the local land ranger
Yeah, it’s not cheap if you want it doing once and right the first time. All the fun of owning an older vehicle 🤣

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