Been following this thread with interest. Your either a very talented welder or very arrogant. We shall see I guess.
Mick I guessing your a builder I not arrogant but determined I built this as well first time builder. I not the local arsholes I do what I say. I dont bull****.
Mick I guessing your a builder I not arrogant but determined I built this as well first time builder. I not the local arsholes I do what I say. I dont bull****.View attachment 190572
There has been many threads on here from members while carrying out rebuilds, have complained about the state of their new galvanized chassis from all the suppliers, and in some cases sending them back. All these chassis are made presumably by professional fabricators in a jig so there is no reason why you cant produce the same.
There has been many threads on here from members while carrying out rebuilds, have complained about the state of their new galvanized chassis from all the suppliers, and in some cases sending them back. All these chassis are made presumably by professional fabricators in a jig so there is no reason why you cant produce the same.
Thanks mick I was going to buy one but the wife spent the money I had on that extension build so I though **** it I build one I was a plater in 1988 away from it for years so away I went. What you need to do is get a beam or ideally 2 ridged bits of box section and 2 profiles of the chassis rails set them 76mm apart and fix them inplace ie weld . Place the profiles in the space in the box section and level them up ie so the profiles match the cut 70mm bits of 12mm bar and weld to the profiles space out at 600 centres and then flip over and do the same on the other side. Then cut 70mm strips off the remaining sheet and fix between the profiles. Dont weld in one go it will go like a banana if you do that. Weld 600 lengths at a ago then wait till its cooled then weld at the opposite end and continue like that till its done. It was a lot easier than it looks. The rest is just fixing brackets to the rails at the correct positions. I cut all the rail profiles with a grinder used75 blades better with a plasma but mine broke so needs must. So that's the hard part done now onto the brackets. Folk saying it wont be square do they not know how to cross measure? I am not criticising anyone but plenty seen to want to criticise me they dont know me. The chassis will be fine I will lift it up bare to check before getting galvanized. It's a bespoke chassis lol
Thanks mick I was going to buy one but the wife spent the money I had on that extension build so I though **** it I build one I was a plater in 1988 away from it for years so away I went. What you need to do is get a beam or ideally 2 ridged bits of box section and 2 profiles of the chassis rails set them 76mm apart and fix them inplace ie weld . Place the profiles in the space in the box section and level them up ie so the profiles match the cut 70mm bits of 12mm bar and weld to the profiles space out at 600 centres and then flip over and do the same on the other side. Then cut 70mm strips off the remaining sheet and fix between the profiles. Dont weld in one go it will go like a banana if you do that. Weld 600 lengths at a ago then wait till its cooled then weld at the opposite end and continue like that till its done. It was a lot easier than it looks. The rest is just fixing brackets to the rails at the correct positions. I cut all the rail profiles with a grinder used75 blades better with a plasma but mine broke so needs must. So that's the hard part done now onto the brackets. Folk saying it wont be square do they not know how to cross measure? I am not criticising anyone but plenty seen to want to criticise me they dont know me. The chassis will be fine I will lift it up bare to check before getting galvanized. It's a bespoke chassis lol
Keep posting photos. I dont think people are criticising you, they are just pointing out some problems they think you might not be aware of not knowing how experienced you are. Best of luck.
As much as I admire what you have taken on.
As I said earlier plenty of measurements available in manual so shouldn’t be a problem for getting stuff in the right place and square, plus you have old chassis still to double check.

But. Are you thinking of selling in the future?

In which case it might be difficult. Also your points system for keeping reg only just gets it for DVLA rules points
If you can prove the rest is original. The chassis is 5 points if I remember. (Or are you just not going to tell:eek:)
Sorry just sensitive to numbers especially on LRs, absolutely nothing to do with your ability or want todo.

As much as I admire what you have taken on.
As I said earlier plenty of measurements available in manual so shouldn’t be a problem for getting stuff in the right place and square, plus you have old chassis still to double check.

But. Are you thinking of selling in the future?

In which case it might be difficult. Also your points system for keeping reg only just gets it for DVLA rules points
If you can prove the rest is original. The chassis is 5 points if I remember. (Or are you just not going to tell:eek:)
Sorry just sensitive to numbers especially on LRs, absolutely nothing to do with your ability or want todo.

Just stamp the number on the chassis. It's up to them to prove its whatever. Your or I am innocent till proven guilty not the other way round. The loom has manufacture stickers on it and all the plastic is dated as well it wont loose the reg. I wont tell the government nothing and I wont be selling
Im no Expert on welding or engineering or anything mechanics wise. but Id say your doing an Excellent job there Mate, Probably stronger now then the other suppliers who turn them out on Jigs, think your right there too Jigs are mainly to knock things up fast,.
I had a problem with welding rear crossmember on to Bare Chassis, was told by numerous people that it couldn't be done as body had to be on to get correct measurements as nothing would fit right when rebuilding.. or might be possible with some kind of Jig. Took to to 3 local Land Rover Specialists, one said same, the other 2 said they could do it at a cost of
£350 to £400 as it would be an all day job.
A Mate had it done in under an hour with a Grinder , Welder and Tape Measure, and so far everything has fit perfect.
Keep posting pics


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Why? Your insured against causing damage to someones else property.. its 3mm thick it as they say its a hd chassis sales pish . What you think it going to disintegrate when driving or something. The chassis that was on it had holes under the outriggers that you could not see it was tested ie moted another load of pish.Why do some people want approved from some eu body or some body for approval to do something is beyond me .its only a metal frame.its an aftermarket chassis I am not selling them, image the hassle you would get doing that! Oh this may put the cat amongst the pigeons I am not putting on dumbbells muck traps I think that no one uses. On another note yous guys seem to get hassel from vosa about modifications to your chassis , how do they know? Surely your not telling them or are you? Up here you only see vosa at the random police stops for red diesel ect
Why? Your insured against causing damage to someones else property.. its 3mm thick it as they say its a hd chassis sales pish . What you think it going to disintegrate when driving or something. The chassis that was on it had holes under the outriggers that you could not see it was tested ie moted another load of pish.Why do some people want approved from some eu body or some body for approval to do something is beyond me .its only a metal frame.its an aftermarket chassis I am not selling them, image the hassle you would get doing that! Oh this may put the cat amongst the pigeons I am not putting on dumbbells muck traps I think that no one uses. On another note yous guys seem to get hassel from vosa about modifications to your chassis , how do they know? Surely your not telling them or are you? Up here you only see vosa at the random police stops for red diesel ect

Small technical matter - VOSA now have full stopping powers, they no longer require a police presence. :D
On the wider issue - everything you say is fine and dandy...until you are involved in an accident, then the brown stuff and the rotating blades come in to play :eek:
Why? Your insured against causing damage to someones else property.. its 3mm thick it as they say its a hd chassis sales pish . What you think it going to disintegrate when driving or something. The chassis that was on it had holes under the outriggers that you could not see it was tested ie moted another load of pish.Why do some people want approved from some eu body or some body for approval to do something is beyond me .its only a metal frame.its an aftermarket chassis I am not selling them, image the hassle you would get doing that! Oh this may put the cat amongst the pigeons I am not putting on dumbbells muck traps I think that no one uses. On another note yous guys seem to get hassel from vosa about modifications to your chassis , how do they know? Surely your not telling them or are you? Up here you only see vosa at the random police stops for red diesel ect
Why? Your insured against causing damage to someones else property.. its 3mm thick it as they say its a hd chassis sales pish . What you think it going to disintegrate when driving or something. The chassis that was on it had holes under the outriggers that you could not see it was tested ie moted another load of pish.Why do some people want approved from some eu body or some body for approval to do something is beyond me .its only a metal frame.its an aftermarket chassis I am not selling them, image the hassle you would get doing that! Oh this may put the cat amongst the pigeons I am not putting on dumbbells muck traps I think that no one uses. On another note yous guys seem to get hassel from vosa about modifications to your chassis , how do they know? Surely your not telling them or are you? Up here you only see vosa at the random police stops for red diesel ect

Because they might want an engineers report on the quality of the homemade safety critical chassis...not saying you might need one just thinking ahead... will the chassis be classed as a say it's built same as original how do they know... they get it checked...and from past posts it isn't exactly the same...
It's the exact same size otherwise it would no fit it no different to Richard's or that irish mob . It's not built the same as the original they are press out of a die in 2 half. Once it's on no one will know the difference. I was talking to a guy who has a galvanized chassis on his when he bought it nobody knows who made it. I wont just be me who can do it. There will be many guys or girls who can make one. It will cost about £600 all in inc galvanizing inc Dont tell anyone anything like with the police no comment they are just trying to get evidence to convict you. Yous english guys dont tell vosa everything do yous? Why not try if asked that's how I bought it.
Small technical matter - VOSA now have full stopping powers, they no longer require a police presence. :D
On the wider issue - everything you say is fine and dandy...until you are involved in an accident, then the brown stuff and the rotating blades come in to play :eek:
**** vosa not interested in them I dont run red diesel anymore. My chassis I did not build that that's how I bought it! I am beginning to think yous admit everthing . Innocent till PROVED guilty
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You just don't get it do you... when insurance company ask is it factory standard and you say yes they go OK we'll take the risk and insure your say no I've built my own chassis what do you think their reply will be... don't tell them and hope on your first trip out a spotty youth who bought a 50 quid mig from Lidl and sorted his suspension on his Corsa to make it look good loses on a bend and hits you...coppers and insurance will have a field day... just saying.. .i would be asking my insurance company for their view on a homemade chassis...just my way of looking at things... your entering kit car territory building your own chassis...but you know best...
you say no I've built my own chassis what do you think their reply will be... don't tell them and hope on your first trip out a spotty youth who bought a 50 quid mig from Lidl and sorted his suspension on his Corsa to make it look good loses on a bend and hits you...coppers and insurance will have a field day..

You know on Corsazone there is the same discussion, but it goes ,like this:

" Dude , yeah you can work on your own suspension, after all , what is the chance of you going round a corner and some turnip in an old beat up landy who has fabbed his own chassis hits a speed bump ,it snaps in front of you...roll and crushes your wee motor. then the filth and insurance are going to be laffin."

You know on Corsazone there is the same discussion, but it goes ,like this:

" Dude , yeah you can work on your own suspension, after all , what is the chance of you going round a corner and some turnip in an old beat up landy who has fabbed his own chassis hits a speed bump ,it snaps in front of you...roll and crushes your wee motor. then the filth and insurance are going to be laffin."


You know on Corsazone there is the same discussion, but it goes ,like this:

" Dude , yeah you can work on your own suspension, after all , what is the chance of you going round a corner and some turnip in an old beat up landy who has fabbed his own chassis hits a speed bump ,it snaps in front of you...roll and crushes your wee motor. then the filth and insurance are going to be laffin."

Do you reckon that Corsazone member was half American half Scottish ;)
Yous english guys dont tell vosa everything do yous?

I'm not English I'm Scottish...but I tell my insurance company everything that I have upgraded on all my vehicles because I want it to be covered for maximum value in the event of a claim...if you want your defender to be valued at its age so be it but if it was me I'd want increased value due to work done...
I'm not English I'm Scottish...but I tell my insurance company everything that I have upgraded on all my vehicles because I want it to be covered for maximum value in the event of a claim...if you want your defender to be valued at its age so be it but if it was me I'd want increased value due to work done...
Being covered for killing somebody is worth a lot more!

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