
New Member
good evening all i really want to change my steering wheel to a more sporty/smaller 1 as orignal is not very practical,any ideas who or where sell them and what sort of boss to go for?
if any 1 has a second hand 1 would be great help cheers
i would guess based on the original and how hard it is to turn wheel on mine if you make it smaller then it would be impractical,
I bought a Mountney 15" leather wheel with their Boss. Size is fine as it's only 2" smaller than standard, but the quality of the metal used in the spokes is total ****, it buckles really easily, it's just not thick enough.
i would guess based on the original and how hard it is to turn wheel on mine if you make it smaller then it would be impractical,

and thats exactly why we changed ours from a mountney back to an original:D like having power steering with an original................well ok felt like it at first after fighting with a steering wheel more suited to a noddy car:p
ive got a 13.5 inch rally steering wheel on my 2a looks rather small next to the old 1 but being 6 foot 4 and rather bulky shall we say lol i need all the extra space i can get lol wouldnt say its overly hard to steer but then i learnt to drive in and old fergie tractor lol.
My Series 2a came with 3 spare steering wheels - obviously - slightly different sizes but all fit.

I had thought, though could be completly wrong on this, that there were two sizes of wheels for the series. Is this correct or am i just talking c**p?

Either way, i'd happily measure up the radius of the wheels and let you know what i've got, if your interested - i've got no use for 4 wheels!

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