i'll have to have a look the oil port then i think it's ****in out too much oil onto the chain at the mo and seeing as it's proper blunt i'm surprised the oil hasnt caught fire with the amount of smoke that comes off it :D
so long as the oil tank just outlasts the petrol tank ideal.you can adjust tjhe pump if the saws much cop,;)
at college we use a husqy 357 i think, beast of a saw and hasnt let us down yet.

weirdest thing weve found in a tree so far is an old man hole cover in the middle of a tree, god knows how it got there, but it well and trully screwed the chain up lol
Have found barbed wire and steel fence posts in trees. But never a fooking manhole cover.
i had to move a large steel water tank earlier in the year, on the bottom(top as it was upside down) was a stopcock with a 6" pipe coming off it, where it had been sitting for so long a branch had grown round the pipe and completely engulfed it (1 1/2" pipe) it was solid enough to stop the landy pulling it free so i had to chop the fooker off with me hand axe
i had to move a large steel water tank earlier in the year, on the bottom(top as it was upside down) was a stopcock with a 6" pipe coming off it, where it had been sitting for so long a branch had grown round the pipe and completely engulfed it (1 1/2" pipe) it was solid enough to stop the landy pulling it free so i had to chop the fooker off with me hand axe

At last a real man apart from me on this fred, uses an axe:high5:
Hi ya coz1 did you buy one? I,ve got a Husky 357XPG 18" 54cc £487 new(1.5 yrs old) immaculate condition also a log horse bench, was £99, that allows you to attach the saw to the bench and cut your logs at a desired length in total safty with no fear of kick back i'm only concidering selling these as we've now moved to a house with c/heating if you do make an offer i'll chucki in my splitter axe(grp shaft) and grenade splitter...

hope you find your items i know what it's like getting your wood ready, if your down in cornwall give us an email i'll show you them.

kind regs Scrump.....

long live my V8.....................:emps1:
ey oop scrumpy!
whereaboots in SE Kernow are ya? I'm in Liskeard / Looe area.
keep a look out for S*L*A*P*P*E*R*S freds and come out to play wiv us.
if Coz aint interested in yer chainsaw, I might be - let me know ow much yer want fer it.
Hello Trew
i'm near Seaton/Downderry
nice weather today eh, better than yesterday, bloody freezing

regs scrump

the bike is dead
long live the (king)V8
last time we went laning, we met up at Seaton beach cafe fer brekkie!

when yer V8 needs MOT, take it to Barbican MOTs in Looe - the tester understands Landys.
Hi ya coz1 did you buy one? I,ve got a Husky 357XPG 18" 54cc £487 new(1.5 yrs old) immaculate condition also a log horse bench, was £99, that allows you to attach the saw to the bench and cut your logs at a desired length in total safty with no fear of kick back i'm only concidering selling these as we've now moved to a house with c/heating if you do make an offer i'll chucki in my splitter axe(grp shaft) and grenade splitter...

hope you find your items i know what it's like getting your wood ready, if your down in cornwall give us an email i'll show you them.

kind regs Scrump.....

long live my V8.....................:emps1:

I cut wood all year round, dunt cut any tree below fence height or it might have fence wire in it, older trees that kids may have made swings on are usually full of nails.

The minimum I would use is 18inch and even then most stuff needs two cuts. I think people start off with a poofy small one then realize that most of the decent firewood needs something bigger. Once you get onto the bigger stuff you need to split it on site with a log splitter or a grennade, best with both.

I use engine oil to lub the chain coz chains aint that dear, but you go through a fair amount of chain lube, and my chains last for ages unless you hit ****.

No point being a macho man cutting with yur baffies and shorts on, as some tosser here mentions, the saw wont cut you, it takes a slot about quarter inch out your body, severe bleading and death, if you dont have a hat with visor on and it kicks and hits you in the face, then it's not funny.

Most of the bad kickbacks I have had has been with the small stuff when limbing, but hold the saw firmly and properly then it shouldnt get to a body part, focus on what you are doing and not the next bit.

I dont think non kickback chains is good advice, in actual fact anti kickback is the only chain I would use, but it still kicks back or pushes back on the undercut.

There are good sites if you google them for advice, but be safe, trees store the fallen energy up for all their lives and get careless with a saw, from getting it stuck in a tree or injured by a sudden movement as the energy is released.

I dont know of anybody who would put pure petrol in a 2stroke unless they wanted to destroy it, my friend used to race bikes and because he ran them lean if he missed a gear it would sieze up instantly.

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