do you buy the cheapest tyres, the cheapest oil seals, the cheapest baked beans, the cheapest bread, the cheapest shoes you can find ?

if what your saying is true we might all as well spend as little as possible on EVERYTHING seeing as there's every tyre comes from the same factory, every can of baked beans comes from the same factory ...... or is made using the same beans or same components

if peeps are happy to replace suspension bushes, oil seals, pads, discs, exhaust, UJs etc as often as they replace their vehicle fluids then Britpart is the place to shop

is very simple, and at the end of the day it's your money you'r wasting

buy cheap buy trice

Don't get so worked up on a sunny Friday :D

I didn't say that everything comes from the same factory. I was writing to say that you will often find the same plants pumping out 'low end' products as well as supposed 'high end' ones. The manufacturing process may or many not be the same but they still come out the same door.

You could say in a similar vein that people often take delivery or 'friday afternoon' cars or products which just don't live up to expectation.

Let's face it, most people here bought a Range Rover so they didn't buy cheap but they probably will have to spend a small fortune on replacement parts lol
Let's face it, most people here bought a Range Rover so they didn't buy cheap but they probably will have to spend a small fortune on replacement parts lol

you have made a good point there - there's a pile of people who have paid little money for an aging RR thinking they are a quality item

sadly ......
you can't prove me wrong can you ? - making such statements and then failing to support them is a nonsense pal

telling peeps that LR and Britpart parts are made on the same line is utter crap, it gives a false impression about Britpart "products" and does nothing to support why there are some many people across numerous forums who will tell you NOT to use Britpart

why do you think they are oft referred to as Sh1tPart ?

As Max Bygraves said. I wanna tell ya a story. Long ago in the bygone days of the seventires i was a professional diver. The company i worked for also had retail shops. The most popular diving knife back then was a knife trade marked Typhoon. It sold for a wopping £22.50, a lot for those days. But it was the best. They were made by a certain cutlery company in Osaka Japan. My bosses enquired about getting some knives made by them, the outcome was. Exactly the same knife from the same manufacturer excepting it did not have the Typhoon logo embossed on it, so they ordered 200 of them. They were delivered ten weeks later after travelling in a boat half way around the world. The total cost of the order including import duty and carriage was £500.00 or £2.50 per knife. Genuine parts at inflated prices are no better than pattern parts at reasonable prices in many instances. Back in the good old days BMC and Triumph Rover dealers got parts from the factory at 68% discount. So a part that cost you £100.00 plus tax cost them £32.00. Won't be a lot different today.
Ah'd just like tae add that EVERYTHING that ah've replaced on my bus with britpart stuff has failed within a very short period of time! Ah'm in the middle of replacin' my entire suspension as the britpart super gaz kit that ah bought just over two years ago is completely knackered! Ah got a replacement set of shocks last year as the original ones failed just after a year, fitted the replacement ones and these have also failed just after a year!! The place ah bought them from said they would look into it and was basically told tae bugger off by britpart. They said that the replacement shocks were only covered by the original warranty (2 years or 50,000 miles)... doesn't make sense tae me?? Let's just say that ah stopped buyin' their crap a whiles ago and the suspension is the last thing tae go. There will NEVER be another piece of utter poor quality crap with the britpart label onit goin' on my bus ever again!
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that's far more convincing than an old knives tale

The old knives tale was true. If you don't believe it that's your problem. There are shoddy goods about of that there is no doubt. In the days that brake pads were made by Dunlop or Girling or Mintex or Lockheed you stayed clear of cheap imports if you had any sense. But today with all those makers having their products made in the east you don't honestly know if that new box of pads are genuine or not. Or the same pads made in the same factory in a different box. Another true story for you. A few years ago an Indian airforce Canberra bomber left the runway on landing killing both crew members, when it's brakes failed. That aircraft was on a test flight after maintenance. The friction material on the genuine boxed Girling brake pads fitted to it, and drawn form the base stores were found to be no more than compressed cow dung. That is another true story you may choose to disbelieve. There is a massive market in counterfeit aircraft bolts most of them coming from the east. Indistiguishable from the real thing except for their torsional and tensional strength. Every batch of bolts that enters Bae is sample tested in the labs before they are allowed into stores, even ones from approved suppliers, same at Boeing. Truth is you just don't know these days if a genuine part is a genuine part anymore, thank's to our little yellow friends..
The old knives tale was true. If you don't believe it that's your problem ........ blah blah ......

i didn't say i didn't believe your little tale, i do however fail to see it's real relevance to the Sh1itpart good/bad debate, it's certainly not PROOF that Sh1tpart offerings can be relied on which is what i was expecting you to provide in support of your argument.

However, what is much more relevant are comments such as Busters, the like of which you will see across every single LR forum, that give real and current examples of people HAVING to replace components that have failed within a VERY short period of time, furthermore Busters comments mention how appalling we the customer are treated when they are presented with a possible warranty case.
i didn't say i didn't believe your little tale, i do however fail to see it's real relevance to the Sh1itpart good/bad debate, it's certainly not PROOF that Sh1tpart offerings can be relied on which is what i was expecting you to provide in support of your argument.

However, what is much more relevant are comments such as Busters, the like of which you will see across every single LR forum, that give real and current examples of people HAVING to replace components that have failed within a VERY short period of time, furthermore Busters comments mention how appalling we the customer are treated when they are presented with a possible warranty case.

Yes but sadly in this day and age there is no guarantee that the part you pay £70.00 for is any better than the £30.00 equivalent. I have fitted good quailty clutches that have fail because the diaphragm plate has not been heat treated. Was that a good quality clutch with a problem or a ghost manufatured one in the good quality box. Far too much of it going on. If you buy cheap parts you take your chance, what bothers me more is buying expensive parts, that are not as good as the cheap parts. It is becoming a big problem world wide because of the eastern ghost factories. Preston where i live is second only to Leicester in the manufacture of counterfeit clothing, run by mainly Asians. One guy told me he could make any brand of jeans with the same material, same zip, same cut, for £4.50 complete. Why does it cost £45.00 to £100.00 for a pair of Levi's if they are making them for even a little more than £4.50? Expensive marked up items are not as good as the price would suggest. Years ago Bernard Braden bought a box of tomatoes. He split them into two boxes and put them on a street traders barrow. One was twice the price of the other. When the dearer one sold out the cheaper one was still half full. Dear is not always best it just seems that way.
me last comment as your now saying that there's nothing that can be trusted to be of a good quality, clearly nonsense and kinda makes me think you'd prefer to close all the borders and make everything on our little island which is even more nonsensical

Britpart aren't known as Sh1tpart simply due to ME having had real world experience of their offerings being sub standard - there's 1000s of people who think the same, and those people are voting with their wallets buy shopping elsewhere - hence Sh1tparts current financial problems
I have bought several spurious parts including Britpart, Allmakes and Bearmach, Quinton Hazell etc.
When ordering online for spurious, you are taking a chance on which one you get but I have never had a problem with any of them.
I have owned my P38 since 1998, it's a '97 model and believe me, it wasn't a "Cheap" motor, being only 12 months old at the time. Like most people, I look for the best deal including safety stuff like tyres etc. but with regard to tyres, only reputable makes will do.
What you seem to be advocating Sean is that if you buy a Range Rover, only genuine parts should be fitted, otherwise don't get one!
Have you got shares in LR????
I've dabbled in all sorts of things in my time so may be able to add something to this conversation..

Yup that's about it. Same thing, same production line, on a one for Land Rover two for Britpart basis i would think. Or in the shadow factory across the road. Same as Nike, Reebok genuine none genuine trainers. Sad thing is they all cost peanuts to make genuine or none genuine. But the retailers distiguish them by adding 500% profit to the so called genuine ones.

Nah. Often selling OEM and own-brand is actually more profitable for the retailer. Too many hoops to jump through and costs involved in getting the certified genu-wine stuff. The 500% is made by the the people who own the brand.

Quite correct Irish. Then we get to the greedy western companies who sent their manufacturing to China, India, Taiwan, Korea then discovered the markets were flooded with so called counterfeit goods. Because these people were making western goods in shadow factories from the tooling drawings supplied for the genuine articles. That is the reason the great Global warming con was started. The western governments fearful that ALL manufacturing is going east picked a time of natural warming which occurs on a regular basis, to blame man made CO2 output on. Then tried and are still trying to prevent growth in the east by getting them to agree to cutting CO2 output down. Knowing this would put their costs up so the west could be competative.

I agree there's a degree of blatant hypocrisy in this but I've never seen the global warming/natural cycle thing put so plainly. Makes sense to me!

I have a close friend who works out of HK for a quality control organisation and regularly visits manufacturing plants in China - mainly clothing and consumer goods from our conversations - and you will get Armani priced clothing coming out of the same door as Primark. I'm a regular visitor and the choice of consumer electronics over in the far east outstrips anything over here in Europe. They're all manufactured in the same area from by and large the same sorts of components. Hey, there are even places where you can spec your own DVD or whatever and then final options is which badge/label you want on the front :D

Its called "own-brand"-ing. Common practice and perfectly legit as it allows the brand owner to pay less to the manufacturer if he allows the manufacturer to also offer own-branding. This is how, lets say ASDA, could order 20,000 Samsung microwave ovens but brand them as Sumsang or whatever and sell em WIGIG (when its gone its gone) while still offering a proper warranty. Not really that different from buying a Jaguar on a Ford platform if you think about it. Usually there are marketing restrictions or limitations on use of IP in order to keep the "original" safe. Give you an example, a friend manufactures Ferrari clothing. The embroidered Ferrari logos come straight to him from Maranello and are numbered. If he makes a 100 jackets, he'll be given a 100 logos. If one is damaged or torn or whatever he has to fill in a million pages of paperwork and return thedamaged logo in order to get a replacement. But he's allowed to make and sell the same jacket without the label, no problem.

Basically Ferrari know well that the punter who wants a Ferrari jacket will only buy the real deal. The fella who buys a replica wasn't ever a going to be a paying customer. So its not like sales are being lost. But by allowing the replica to exist Ferrari gets to promote its brand "aura" on the cheap.

The Britpart "factory" made Water Pump which has done over 40000miles without any problem. This had to be fitted after the genuine LR pump packed up and leaked like a sieve after just 3000 miles. The Britpart Starter motor from their Electrical Factory has been on for over 5 years without problems.
The Armstrong Shocks (Made in Sheffield) are just about ready for replacement after 60000 on Irish roads.
Finally, the Coopers oil filters used when I do a service are made near Abergavenny..where the majority of "Original" filters are turned out in fancy boxes.
Ferodo make my brake pads on the same production line, using the same materials and process as "Genuine" products.

All of these manufacturers and others do not tell the workforce "Right folks, you can turn out ****e now and dig all the rejects out because we have finished the genuine parts run"
If you want proof...just look at the Japanese car industry recently with all the recalls following the fitting of "Genuine" parts and assemblies. Lets wait and see what happens when TATA get their feet well under the table !!

To be fair TATA are known to be pretty ferocious when it comes to quality control.. at least my cuppa still tastes good (they also own Tetley).

Armstrong, Coopers, Ferodo et al are well known manufacturers in their own right, the fact that Britpart sell their products is irrelevant - it's the Britpart "own brand" of products that are problematical

am sure there's plenty of people who have stories of "my Britpart xyz" has lasted years - that may well be true, but for every 1 happy customer there'll be 1000 unhappy ones

that's why Britpart have such a good reputation for selling CRAP, if you believe that not to be true then may i politely suggest you need your head extracting from the ground

Sean, you are absolutely right. Britpart own brand is made to a price, and a basic perfomance spec just enough so they won't get sued. The thing is, they never pretended otherwise and they offer plenty of choice - 4 options as I recall: Genuine, OEM, After-market and finally Own-Brand. I feel like "doing a Sean" when I keep hearing people winge about the fact that they chose to spend 4 quid instead of 25 but still want the quality of 25.

Don't get so worked up on a sunny Friday :D

I didn't say that everything comes from the same factory. I was writing to say that you will often find the same plants pumping out 'low end' products as well as supposed 'high end' ones. The manufacturing process may or many not be the same but they still come out the same door.

You could say in a similar vein that people often take delivery or 'friday afternoon' cars or products which just don't live up to expectation.

Let's face it, most people here bought a Range Rover so they didn't buy cheap but they probably will have to spend a small fortune on replacement parts lol

The point is most people probably did buy cheap. Show of hands how many people reading this thread are first registered owners.

The old knives tale was true. If you don't believe it that's your problem. There are shoddy goods about of that there is no doubt. In the days that brake pads were made by Dunlop or Girling or Mintex or Lockheed you stayed clear of cheap imports if you had any sense. But today with all those makers having their products made in the east you don't honestly know if that new box of pads are genuine or not. Or the same pads made in the same factory in a different box. Another true story for you. A few years ago an Indian airforce Canberra bomber left the runway on landing killing both crew members, when it's brakes failed. That aircraft was on a test flight after maintenance. The friction material on the genuine boxed Girling brake pads fitted to it, and drawn form the base stores were found to be no more than compressed cow dung. That is another true story you may choose to disbelieve. There is a massive market in counterfeit aircraft bolts most of them coming from the east. Indistiguishable from the real thing except for their torsional and tensional strength. Every batch of bolts that enters Bae is sample tested in the labs before they are allowed into stores, even ones from approved suppliers, same at Boeing. Truth is you just don't know these days if a genuine part is a genuine part anymore, thank's to our little yellow friends..

Phew! Good thing I'm only brown then or I'd be well scared.. :D On a more serious note, counterfeiting is a whole different ball-game to cheap replacement parts that don't pretend to be anything else. Counterfeiters are criminals playing with people's lives and deserve jail.

I have bought several spurious parts including Britpart, Allmakes and Bearmach, Quinton Hazell etc.
When ordering online for spurious, you are taking a chance on which one you get but I have never had a problem with any of them.
I have owned my P38 since 1998, it's a '97 model and believe me, it wasn't a "Cheap" motor, being only 12 months old at the time. Like most people, I look for the best deal including safety stuff like tyres etc. but with regard to tyres, only reputable makes will do.
What you seem to be advocating Sean is that if you buy a Range Rover, only genuine parts should be fitted, otherwise don't get one!
Have you got shares in LR????

you mean TATA ;)
Excellent Post ! Great thread. Dunno what sort of steering damper Willos is choosing, but this is very entertaining. If I can add a small anecdote here, not proof of anything but, maybe an angle on the "big business" "globilisation" theme: about 4 yrs ago I was doing a little work in Morroco; a large garment manufacturing co. were threatening to close their plants there and move to Algeria. This co were suppliers to many premium high st stores in the uk & europe. They wanted to save about 10p on the 50/60p cost of manufacturing a shirt. retail price uk:£10 plus. Seems a little compared to retail price but is 20% saving in their exes.A fortune, especially over many 10`s of thousands of items. On the spare parts theme tho` Rangies were never built cheap, and never are gonna be cheap to run, anyone buying cheap, is gonna be hammered. I ain`t rich, but accept that to keep a vehicle like ours safely on the road does take a bit of investment.
How about this as a summation?:
1. Most genuine parts are well made, but expensive, especially if bought from main dealer, who wants to maintain shiney offices/ showrooms and keepup corporate image & sell new vehiclles.
2.Genuine parts from smaller specialists should be cheaper, esp if got off net, (lower overheads)
3. If `lucky` we may find exactly same components in different packaging, at a lower price.
4. If `unlucky` we may find crap components proporting to be original in seemingly original packaging at less than dealer prices, but bad value for money.
5. Pattern parts prob made with lower spec tolerances, & materials, but with pricing reflecting this.

Seems to me no-one wants to get ripped off with option 4, and most of us want to avoid the expensive but safe option1, but choosing between, options 2,3, & 5 is not easy. But that should be the strength of forums (fora?) like landyzone. Find a good supplier & shout as loud as we moan about the bad ones.
P.S. I`m not in the trade at all, so have got no inside knowledge, so feel free to ignore all I`ve said.
Excellent Post ! Great thread. Dunno what sort of steering damper Willos is choosing, but this is very entertaining. If I can add a small anecdote here, not proof of anything but, maybe an angle on the "big business" "globilisation" theme: about 4 yrs ago I was doing a little work in Morroco; a large garment manufacturing co. were threatening to close their plants there and move to Algeria. This co were suppliers to many premium high st stores in the uk & europe. They wanted to save about 10p on the 50/60p cost of manufacturing a shirt. retail price uk:£10 plus. Seems a little compared to retail price but is 20% saving in their exes.A fortune, especially over many 10`s of thousands of items. On the spare parts theme tho` Rangies were never built cheap, and never are gonna be cheap to run, anyone buying cheap, is gonna be hammered. I ain`t rich, but accept that to keep a vehicle like ours safely on the road does take a bit of investment.

Yes that is true to some extent. But spares from dealers are seriously over priced and always have been. Back in the sixties or seventies can't quite remember now. A couple of years after the Morris Minor traveller went out of production, an enthusiast asked Loxhams Morris Services in Preston to build him one for his collection. A body shell was sourced from Cowley and the body shop built him one from stores. The cost in parts alone was £4200.00 + labour. Ok, not a lot you might say by todays standards, but when you consider that a couple of years earlier he could have had one from the showroom for around £1500.00, that included assembly in the factory, cost of parts, BMCs profit and Loxhams profit. You then begin to see just how much markup there is on vehicle parts from genuine sources. Don't know if anyone can, but it would be interesting to price up the cost of a Range Rover built in this way from dealers stores. Bet a £55,000.00 showroom price would easily top £200,000.00 if built from spares. That is why there is an opening for none genuine parts suppliers maybe the same quailty parts in some cases at more realistic prices. You see lots of cheaper parts marked as OEM, that means they are made by the same company who make the genuine parts but offered at far less than dealer parts.

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