after seeing pics of 4x4s being lifted slightly off balance and the nose first aftermath as the whole lift has bent and toppled, I'd be reluctant to lift a landy with a two poster, but having said that I've never done it, but you asked for thoughts ;)
Well i have done it with my disco on 3000kg lift, But i wouldn't do it again.
Its got to be four posts or pit for me. But up to you
I dont see whats more mobile about it than most 2 post lifts , they are just bolted to floor as well You would need to be pretty confident in the quality of the concrete you were bolted down to . and the base doesnt look very wide !!
The scissor lifts are limited in use as they tend to be very obstructive , more suited to tyre change brake service etc . If you want to get mobile with a landy then you would need something like they use on buses etc 4 post interconnected lift system JMHO

something like this


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