have you tried parking with the alarm on, but with the air recirc button on?
would eliminate drafts through the air vents...
To Answer Willo's Question, no, it doesn't matter where I park the Freelander (I even parked it in a car pack which is close to the Police Station!) and it will still go off. By the way, I'm going to charge the battery today as I didn't have time to do it yesterday.
To Answer Optimus Prime's Question, I have check all lose items in the car and I have even removed some of the lose items (i.e. TOMTOM Charger, Air Freshener, etc) and still the alarm went off about 10 minutes later. Oh by the way, I can't find the sensor inside my Freelander that will detect movement. Is it because I have a 3 door model with a detachable Hardback so that Land Rover figured there wouldn't any point of locating the sensor inside the car (because maybe a cat could climb into the car and set the alarm off)?

Just to be clear, I have never taken off the Hardback because I can't find the special key / screwdriver that will remove the roof bars off.
ave u noticed whether it goes orf as a car goes by? there is a volumatic sensor it the car which picks up slight changes in air pressure. i wud also check the light switches at every door and bonnet for bad connections etc.
Okay, I'm no pro at this but should bonnet switch should stay absolutely still or is it allowable for the bonnet switch to move about slightly in its bracket?
No I haven't noticed if it goes off when a car goes by my Freelander because I sadly, I rarely park my Freelander next to the road.
Check door seals.....I had a metro years ago..the alarm used to go off with the wind blowing in through the boot...
just to answer the sensor question,

i believe it's hidden in the headlining, you will have to remove the courtesy light in the middle to see it. and remove the whole headlining to mess with it

i found this out when i accidentally snapped my areal and had to replace it.
I have the same problem, I have noticed the interior light & the "door open" light on the dash will suddenly go on after driving off. I normally have to slam the door quite hard to get rid of it! I think this could be the problem with setting off the alarm. Maybe changing the door switch will rectify it. I just need to find out where the switch is! I think it's built in to the locking mechanism.
ditch the factory alarm.... i haven't used mine since i got it...
i have a cat 1 lazerline fitted with microwave senser , full total closer etc , i had more agro with mine before i had this fitted... the orginal remote has to be near the transponder on the steering colum tho.... this is now cable tied to it , but even if it was found the car wouldnt start as it has 2 points of immobilzer on the cat1...... and its made my insurance cheaper!
I had a little extra time on my hands & started doing
some research. I found a person who is willing to do
a class action law suit. I went thru the blog spot
copied & pasted your e-mail address. Below is the
information about whom you must contact so that we can
get this law suit in action. I am not an attorney, I
am a consumer of a 2003 Freelander who has had nothing
but problems with this so called "SUV" I don't know
who to complain to anymore LRNA has not helped me, in
fact they made me feel like it was my fault that my
car was having all of these problems. Please, please,
please contact this person so that we can all get what
we paid for. A car that is dependable & safe. Please
forward to any other LR owners & I will do the same.
If you have any questions that I might be able to
answer or any suggestions for me please,e-mail me at

YouTube - Landrover Lawsuit
I am seeking people to join me in a class-action
lawsuit ...
1 min 6 sec -

YouTube - Landrover Lawsuit

fook off back to the ****hole you call a country and take your fooking braindead no hope campaign with you.
Hey SpeedyVeg,

I can't say for sure but after charging the car battery, it seemed to be quiet for a couple of days before it problem started all over again. But the thing is...I didn't charge the car battery for long though (left it charging for about 6 hours) because I had to use my Freelander again.
One question before I disappear on the face of earth again...

how long do I need to charge the car battery for (since I'm no car pro)???

The car battery I got is the same as described in the manual (with the colour indicator). It is currently on black now.
Right now, I'm nearly convinced that my problem is the battery power because every time I unlock my Freelander, I have to press the unlock button on my remote at least 3 times to fully unlock the passenger side door.

But anyone who wants to prove this wrong, I'm all ears (and eyes apparently!).
Right now, I'm nearly convinced that my problem is the battery power because every time I unlock my Freelander, I have to press the unlock button on my remote at least 3 times to fully unlock the passenger side door.

But anyone who wants to prove this wrong, I'm all ears (and eyes apparently!).

Does the vehicle still start? If it does then the battery power is fine. If you are still not convinced, drive into your local garage and ask them to perform a battery drop test.

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