Hi evreyone
My master cylinder seel went the other day so i got a hole knew master cylinder iv fitted it n pumped for ages but cnt get any pressure, theres some resistance to about halfway then theres an easy point then some resistance again, iv opend the niples n a mate put his foot down n liquid came out but theres no presure n iv cheacked for leaks, could it be that the knew part is faulty???
Thanks for any ideas Dan
Can be a bugger to bleed - make sure you do it in the right order. Which landy and what braking system have you got?
Hi I had this problem on my series 3 was told to get the front end as high as possible the higher the better then bled the system
using a Gunsons easybleed or any pressure bleed
system hope this helps Cheers Stuart:doh::):)
I just did it with a bit of fluid

a tip, pump the brake pedal hard once, and then evenly right to the floor twice. much quicker and easier than the way I had been taught to do it (push to the floor, hold. and then do up bleed screw. repeat)

really a two person job though.
Don't forget, you have to pump out all of the old brake fluid first before the air will come out if you've replaced the master cylinder - you'll have to pump several times on each bleed nipple to get it all out.

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