

I have a problem which i cannot seem to solve.

I have difficulty accessing the D2 boys club forum. Which only happened in the last couple of days and i have changed absolutely nothing. I cannot access it by either iphone, laptop or PC from home network.

However, i can access easily via work PC and iphone via 3g

I can from see from work that the site is fully up and running, so no probs there end

Anybody any ideas, could something on my router be blocking the webpage?

Any info appreciated

SP ;)

I have a problem which i cannot seem to solve.

I have difficulty accessing the D2 boys club forum. Which only happened in the last couple of days and i have changed absolutely nothing. I cannot access it by either iphone, laptop or PC from home network.

However, i can access easily via work PC and iphone via 3g

I can from see from work that the site is fully up and running, so no probs there end

Anybody any ideas, could something on my router be blocking the webpage?

Any info appreciated

SP ;)

try reporting it to them, also it is possible that the dns server set in your router does not resovle the address you could try changing dns servers to open dns rather than your isp name server
cheers guys.... will have a further look when i get more time. I have had a look at my firewall settings and router, but nothing obvious at this stage.

Will keep you posted


SP ;)
the op was on here asking bout another website.i wouldnt come on here moaning that i cant get on a MTB forum
I'm on that site there are a few names I recognise from lz on there
it's a Discovery Series 2 Owners club.

Probeley recognised the names and thought they might be on here as the d2 site was down

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