Another great comeback. Can't you think of anything original.

I thought you where the one on this site that had all the crude and deep hitting lines to put people back in their place. You are not showing too much creativity. Just don't reply for a couple of hours so you can ask someone else for a good comeback line. Yours are not working.

Do you get a kick out of sitting at your keyboard and trying to wind folk up for no reason.....I completly fail to understand your motive and am starting to get a very disturbing image of a weedy little bloke in tights, surrounded by tinnies with a pair of knickers pulled over his head....its unpleasant....go away
Is this the best you can come up with. Yes, my name is Ian and Yes, I do have a lot higher IQ than you and earn a higher income. Is this suppose to be putting me down? It seems strange to highlight a person's success to do it.

Want to bet? I find that people who assume they have a higher IQ and income and feel the need to use this as a means of self justification are, in fact, generally insecure and have poor social skills.
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Is this the best you can come up with. Yes, my name is Ian and Yes, I do have a lot higher IQ than you and earn a higher income. Is this suppose to be putting me down? It seems strange to highlight a person's success to do it.

As an aside, in the above quotation, you do not need to use a capital Y and you should have written 'supposed' not 'suppose'.

I expect spelling was your weak point when you had your I.Q tested.
Want to bet? I find that people who assume they have a higher IQ and income and feel the need to use this as a means of self justification are, in fact, generally insecure and have poor social skills.
You were the one that highlighted the fact, I was just querying how you think it is a put down. I have already raised that you are a figjam person, so your response attempting to claim superior intellect is exactly what was expected.

So where is all this damaging stuff that you are going to dig up on me. How about you do a search on my user name in youtube and then highlight how I never go off-road and can't drive. Based on your efforts to-date you might then highlight how the pay & play sites you go to are far superior to where I travel.

You might want to dig up what Land Rover products I have owned and what I have done with them so you can state that I know nothing about them.

Come on, find something that might embarrass me.
I think you're doing quite a good job without my help.
So what you have posted is the best you can come up with. My name is Ian, I am/was a CPA, and I used the word suppose when you claim I should have used supposed. I am so hurt, I am just going to go to bed now and cry myself to sleep.
Is this the best you can come up with. Yes, my name is Ian and Yes, I do have a lot higher IQ than you and earn a higher income. Is this suppose to be putting me down? It seems strange to highlight a person's success to do it.
Why can't ah get this out o' me heid?...

[nomedia=""]YouTube - Stanley and Pammy's Lottery Win - Harry Enfield - BBC comedy[/nomedia]

Still, quite a torrent of self doubt there. I believe it was you who mentioned a higher I.Q and income, not I. You then go on to mention your own off road skills and the items you have purchased. Completely irrelevant to the thread but highlighting your own inner lack of self belief I expect.

I would imagine Australia has a wealth of sites for competent off-road drivers. I am therefore puzzled as to why you choose european forums. Do you fear that you aren't taken seriously in your own land? Does the internet give you the opportunity to hide from your own fears of your sexuality?

I find you a fascinating specimen and I hope you stay so I can study you further.

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