Is this the best you can come up with. Yes, my name is Ian and Yes, I do have a lot higher IQ than you and earn a higher income. Is this suppose to be putting me down? It seems strange to highlight a person's success to do it.

Want to bet? I find that people who assume they have a higher IQ and income and feel the need to use this as a means of self justification are, in fact, generally insecure and have poor social skills.

Very very ture

We know, you're very rich, you've told us.

No I haven't and won't. You just seem so desperate to find out things about me and wanted to know why I was home in front of the computer. You should stop asking questions or making statements where the answer is going to upset you. I simply decided a couple of years ago that I had enough and retired.

Yes you have, see top highlighted bit. :rolleyes:

I wasn't sure at first if he'd even be able to spell IQ

Fascinating stuff has been said before, what a classic case of Napoleon syndrome. I'm sure the keeping of primates has been banned in Sweden for some time. Although as a virtual pet on here, I think your OK ;)

Sorry, as I already stated, got to go now and help a friend with his car..

Thought his name was Ian not Jack :confused:
Very very ture

Yes you have, see top highlighted bit. :rolleyes:

I wasn't sure at first if he'd even be able to spell IQ

Fascinating stuff has been said before, what a classic case of Napoleon syndrome. I'm sure the keeping of primates has been banned in Sweden for some time. Although as a virtual pet on here, I think your OK ;)

Thought his name was Ian not Jack :confused:
I find it fascinating that the English have no comprehension of the english language. How does earning more than storm make me rich. I would have thought it put me just above the poverty line.

Using terms that you obviously do not understand seems to be common here. I would have thought that having quotes of EVERY kind word ever said about you in the forum in your signature is more a symptom of the Napoleon syndrome. But what would I know.:brushteeth:

You seem a little upset that I might have friends in the real world. I am sure that one of your virtual friends may turn into a real one some day, so don't worry too much.
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The clutch is on the left.
Were you attempting to get me to do the wrong thing again. The one on the left is the brake, the one on the right the go pedal.

What do eggs have to do with a car?
"clutch 2 (klch)
1. The complete set of eggs produced or incubated at one time.
2. A brood of chickens.
3. A group; a bunch."
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I find it fascinating that the English have no comprehension of the english language. How does earning more than storm make me rich. I would have thought it put me just above the poverty line..

The state of the Australian economy must be pretty bad then :p

Using terms that you obviously do not understand seems to be common here. I would have thought that having quotes or EVERY kind word ever said about you in the forum in your signature is more a symptom of the Napoleon syndrome. But what would I know.:brushteeth:.

I would tend to agree with you however for someone who can't get the hang of quoting it would appear your knowledge is finite. :p

You seem a little upset that I might have friends in the real world. I am sure that one of your virtual friends may turn into a real one some day, so don't worry too much.

Surprised I think would be more correct :p
There are a lot of folk on here I consider friends, and indeed hope to meet many of them this Easter at Gaydon, Warwickshire, UK maybe you'd like to come along too.
You could organise the convoy into sections for the different vehicle types :D :D
The state of the Australian economy must be pretty bad then :p
Its not good, unemployment is up around 5.0%, official interest rates are high, the dollar is high and therefore no one is visiting from overseas and all the Ozzies are going overseas for their holidays, housing prices and continuing to go up by 10% to 20% per year. But we can hope for better times in the future.
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Its not good, unemployment is up around 5.0%, official interest rates are high, the dollar is high and therefore no one is visiting from overseas and all the Ozzies are going overseas for their holidays, housing prices and continuing to go up by 10% to 20% per year. But we can hope for better times in the future.

Doesn't sound so bad 7.9% unemployed here :( Think your where we were a couple of years ago :eek: :eek:

p.s. you missed a few other definitions of clutch.
1. To grasp and hold tightly.
2. To seize; snatch.
v.intr. 1. To attempt to grasp or seize: clutch at a life raft.
2. To engage or disengage a motor vehicle's clutch. :rolleyes: :D

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