
New Member
OK, I have given up on the idea of using Bio Diesel, LOL.

I have read a few thread with regards to re mapping, or power tuning chips.

I found this on flebay

Range Rover P38 Diesel PSI Power Tuning Chip 95-99 on eBay (end time 19-Feb-10 19:04:19 GMT)

Would any of you guys fit this or stear clear.

Any opinions are very much appreciated....

Also has anyone one got any figures, as to how long it would take for it to pay for itself. I hope this is not a stupid question, LOL.

Cheers Guys

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Theres several members who use power boxes to improve power.

PSI are one of the better known suppliers/makes.
I've just fitted the Rimmer Brothers Powerbox and am well pleased with it. I had as many recommendations for the PSI chip.
Thats the make that my dad has fitted to his 02, seems to work well its certainly quicker than a standard diesel.
The PSI one is around a long time and has proven itself. They are also easily tuneable with good technical support from the vendor (this goes for all the reputable ones, Rimmer, Diesel Bob, Tunit etc)
The new one might prove to be a good copy but you are taking a chance. Is the £200 difference worth the risk to your engine?
If you are an easy driver who just wants a little extra mid range then maybe, but if you are inclined to boot it I'd stick with a known brand.
Take care if you buy a PSI box on EBAY, some of the stuff on EBAY is faulty. Better buy direct from the supplier
I think that the fact that its £200 cheaper is the give away here.

Usually I would agree, but from experiance more expensive is not always better.

Which is why I asked on here, you cant put a price on experiance and I would get a completly impartial view, which however hard the seller tries he is not going to be able to do that.

Your suggestion of the sub £100 ebay item is Ok BUT for the fact that they don't list the P38 diesel!

I have a PSI box and can't fault it! Certainly gives more go and as one uses this the fuel consumption naturally stays the same as before!
I have had very close to 30 mpg on a variety of runs but the best was South of France using motorways to my place in the Dordogne and I had cruise control switched in, 29.8 mpg! 120kph.
I've just fitted the Rimmer Brothers Powerbox and am well pleased with it. I had as many recommendations for the PSI chip.

Steve did yours come with any instructions to adjust the digi pot to give better performance? If so how far did you adjust it.

I have literally fitted a PSI Powebox to my gutless diesel yesterday and I can't say how impressed I am. It's no meansgoing to win races but it really really helps with acceleation and fuel economy. I was achieving 15-18mpg around town, now, easily getting more like 25+, even 29mpg at one point, at the moment as it's newly fitted I'm "playing" with the accelerator alot, so nice to have that extra oomph!
Steve did yours come with any instructions to adjust the digi pot to give better performance? If so how far did you adjust it.


Alan, no there were no instructions refering to adjustments. Mine is running as supplied.


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