
Senile Member
Since we put our names down for Eastnor I realised that all our camping gear was bought with space saving in mind, we used to go camping on a motorbike. Being able to take virtually anything we want is going to seem like a real luxury :)

An airbed instead of those self inflating sleeping mats, luxury! chairs, more luxury! and probably the most important thing, a decent sized frying pan for breaksfast.

What essentials do you guys take camping?
My big thick double duvet off my bed ..non of this sleeping bag stuff and a full sized proper matress :D
a caravan

I have an aluminium folding table which we use for dining table etc and also good for washing up as slated so all drains.
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Those barrel bbqs are great for 2 or 3 people, saw me and the Mrs round France twice and can be used as a small fire.
My 12v urn, gas hob and toolbox grill are the only luxury items I tend to take when I go camping. I do have a roof tent and a caranex so can sleep in the rooftent and use the caranex as a cooking/changing area. If I'm just using the caranex I use the cheapy £10 Argos camp beds rather than an air bed.
I'd love a roof tent but swmbo says I can only have one if I can teach our two JRTs to go up and down a ladder.

Going up seems doable but teaching them to come down could be a real challenge :)
a caravan.

Ditto a Caravan :D

We tried the camping lark, but I like my home comforts too much and I got really fed up with having to keep packing and unpacking everything. I managed to persuade my OH that it's much easier to just hook up and go :cool:
We are off camping this weekend for 2 weeks in the wilderness that is called the South.

The camping gear list for the 2 of us is:-
5 berth tent (5mx4m)
Extension canopy (2mx4m)
Electric Hookup
Double Airbed & Sleeping bag
Double gas burner with grill
4.5kg Gas bottle
Halogen Oven
2 Folding Kitchen Tables
Folding Dining table & chairs
2 Inflateable Armchairs
Portable Toilet
Folding Wardrobe
Portable DVD Player

... I have probably missed a few things off the list ......... boy has camping changed since I was younger. :rolleyes:
got both, Caravan for family hols, and aquiring camping bits for those laning weekends, not sure weather to take a tent or kip in the fender atm, I can sleep on the rear bench with the rear seat folded down :)
looking at curtains now :)
pikey has a force 8 tent... we have camp beds and sleepin bags..... however i prefer to sleep in the 110... he puts boards across the back that are slotted in and then removed after and caravan cushions on top of them that fit snug to the sides... more comfy in my opinion and less noise... used sleepin bags in the 110 previously but just had pillows and duvet at B&W :D

Also would like to mention.. top cat has a massive paella pan that seems to appear everytime he is around.. great bit of kit imo. Everythin goes on it to cook... :D
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I'd love a roof tent but swmbo says I can only have one if I can teach our two JRTs to go up and down a ladder.

Going up seems doable but teaching them to come down could be a real challenge :)

My ballast doesn't do heights. Standing on a stool to reach into a cupboard is about as far as she will usually go. She isn't ecstatic about getting up and down the ladder into the roof tent but she is getting better at it. :rolleyes:;):D
dad was a Scout leader. I remember camping as a 3y.o. Loved my old down-filled army surplus mummy bag. Ah. The adventure of it all.

At 30y.o., was on a trip into upper Ontario Provence, and my air mattress
deflated in the night. I tried to heat up the entire Canadian Shield.

My bones still ache. Need a proper mattress.

I took too much crap to B&W show but I suppose it's better to just in case. The things I took which were most used or required were the tent, cheap air bed, sleeping bag, couple of cheap pillows, a table, chair and lots of cake.

There was so much spare everything that I could have shown up with a sleeping bag and had somewhere to sleep and cook, the landyzone area or village as it turned out to be seemed like one of the best communities at the whole thing, I think a few from other clubs and what have you even came and joined us.
Camping stove, a kettle and a cafetiere. You can face anything on a pot of freshly brewed coffee. Even a wet Glastonbury.
Camping stove, a kettle and a cafetiere. You can face anything on a pot of freshly brewed coffee. Even a wet Glastonbury.

Wet Glastonburys are the best ones. It rained yesterday but its all drying out down here at the mo:mad:
What essentials do you guys take camping?

Next month my essentials will include my sea fishing gear, my Ghillie kettle and lots of beer. If anybody wants me I shall be fishing and drinking tea/beer depending on the time of day:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

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