pikey has a force 8 tent... we have camp beds and sleepin bags..... however i prefer to sleep in the 110... he puts boards across the back that are slotted in and then removed after and caravan cushions on top of them that fit snug to the sides... more comfy in my opinion and less noise... used sleepin bags in the 110 previously but just had pillows and duvet at B&W :D

Also would like to mention.. top cat has a massive paella pan that seems to appear everytime he is around.. great bit of kit imo. Everythin goes on it to cook... :D

Oh. a big damn frying pan:rolleyes: then
Proper bed with duvet!!!!

Is that a bulk pack of tins of WD40 I can see under the table? And tins of pant in the cardboard box at the foot of the bed? I suppose you never know when something might need loosening up and painting.
Is that a bulk pack of tins of WD40 I can see under the table? And tins of pant in the cardboard box at the foot of the bed? I suppose you never know when something might need loosening up and painting.

disposable gas cartridges.. dunno about the paint though. :D
apart from the bed in the 110.


I have this


and this



Also have twin burner gas stove with Grill and a single burner gas ring.
if in the tent I have a fishing bed/chair. and an ex MOD artic sleeping bag.

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