cornish rattler

Well-Known Member
Hi guys
Well after a good think about it all and before we cover the MDF we have now decided to reboard it in plywood as we got thinking about screwing stuff to the MDF like my two metal detector and stuff may not stay on or come loose so before we go any further we will use plywood :(
There will be a significant weight saving anorl.

Must admit I didn’t like the idea of the bed being MDF. Huge risk of it sinking.
There will be a significant weight saving anorl.

Must admit I didn’t like the idea of the bed being MDF. Huge risk of it sinking.
Yeah to be fair it was the price of the plyboards against the price of the MDF boards that swade us to MDF as its was half the price of the plyboards so ok i've wasted roughly £150 for the MDF boards but son has found a load of plyboard at work that they want rid of so hopefully we will be using that :)
Well thats the floor in inc re-positioning the inverter, just on a footy break ( City v Watford game ) then back doing the headboard :D
Just finished for the night only need to wire up the second plug socket and switch panel then we can start covering it all inc the inside of the roof :)
Some pic's from Saturday
So when son arrives home from work and if the rain stays off we can get the wiring finished and the panel back in that has the dash panel in ready for covering once the covering arrives :)
Panel is still out but wiring done started to go dark and tea was ready so called it a day, carpet covering should be here tomorrow so son is doing that after work and whilst i'm at work so hopefully ir should be all done when i get home :D

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