Fingers crossed, i dont know how it must be directly returned like you did cos i've never had to do that but let's see how it behaves with block connected too cos it seems a bit "lazy", i hope that your saga has ended even though it's very suspect that you had to struggle so much to prime that pump
It seems to be working! I connected the pumps output back to the block and the blocks output back to the tank, and so far no error while driving, also no fault codes after driving. The pump is still lazy as you said, also compared to the pump-tanks that I saw on youtube in other discos, for example this one: . The swirling/action in the tank of my disco 2 is still the same as in the video that I had in my last post.

So I think the pump could do more but it still seems enough for my disco 2 to be happy? Is that how I can see it? :D

Thank you very much for all your help sierra, I take off my hat to you. I wouldn't have known what to do!
Welcome and well done, fingers crossed that it will be ok that way, the activity in my ACE tank is more "aggressive" but i can't say that your's is not acceptable as long as there is no fault code for low pressure, what oil did you put in it? cos if it's not the dedicated one the fluid might be a bit "lazy" due to it's higher viscosity
Welcome and well done, fingers crossed that it will be ok that way, the activity in my ACE tank is more "aggressive" but i can't say that your's is not acceptable as long as there is no fault code for low pressure, what oil did you put in it? cos if it's not the dedicated one the fluid might be a bit "lazy" due to it's higher viscosity
I'm using the K2 PSF for Oldtimers . I already used that for my old pump, back when I had some minor leak and had to refill a little bit every 20 kilometers or so. Back then it was really bubbly in the tank... I'm pretty sure that right before I started rebuilding the pipes the old fluid should have been completely replaced with K2 PSF. So I don't think it's the liquids fault.

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