Right we arrived in Vientiane a couple of days ago without any issues, dropped the box yesterday, it's looking like a phone call to Ashcrofts is on the cards, there is a guy here who plays around with old series, Will see if he can help regarding tooling, if not it's a recon unit and will speak to them concerning a couple of you guys dropping off another unit in place of mine, cheers guys.

Hi just a quick update, have ordered a recon unit from Ashcroft engineering, £900 or so pounds, but so be it, have to agree with Jai and others that in the long run it's the best way to go. Ashcrofts have said that they require a replacement unit "like for like" to avoid me paying a £200 surcharge so if anyone out there has a 56H unit they would be willing to donate i will be extremely grateful.

So what was the cause of all the metal to metal noise in the gearbox then?

If I get chance in the next few days to investigate further I will although at the mo I need to concentrate on welding the rear chassis mamber that has just about vanished. Had to decide whether to risk the chance of something else going wrong or just trusting that an Ashcrofts box was the way to go, we only know 1 couple on this continent and they have allowed me to completely trash their garden and driveway in order to fix my car, didn't want to come back in a couple of weeks time saying now there is another problem.

If I get chance in the next few days to investigate further I will although at the mo I need to concentrate on welding the rear chassis mamber that has just about vanished. Had to decide whether to risk the chance of something else going wrong or just trusting that an Ashcrofts box was the way to go, we only know 1 couple on this continent and they have allowed me to completely trash their garden and driveway in order to fix my car, didn't want to come back in a couple of weeks time saying now there is another problem.


I see he's already ordered a box from ashcrofts..bugger..that one on ebay is a good un, reputable dealer etc..
Yeah cheers guys, but had to make a decision, we need to get moving again so ordered a box from Ashcrofts, it's on its way here as we type, been busy welding rear chassis today, promise to upload piccies tomorrow. Another reason we need to get going is that the couple who have allowed me to trash their garden and house are leaving for Kenya on the 16th of this month for 3 weeks, so a bit of a deadline so to speak.

Cheers Ryder for posting on another forum good idea.

Makes me proud to say that I know you guys.

Hi, I got a 1994 lt77 broken gearbox that ashcrofts would take in exchange.
If you can sort it to be collected you can have it.
I'm 5 mins from m1/a52 junction.

(I did post this earlier on, on p6, but not got hang of quoting properly yet so it looked like gibberish)
Bevhelee.... you just tell us what you neeed mate. We'll work it out one way or another. If someone says they have a box and you want to take advantage then tell us quick because we could take a day or three to work out transport. Thing is we do not wantr to be duplicating efforts... You have my Cell... text me if you need something I ca give.
Hi, I got a 1994 lt77 broken gearbox that ashcrofts would take in exchange.
If you can sort it to be collected you can have it.
I'm 5 mins from m1/a52 junction.

(I did post this earlier on, on p6, but not got hang of quoting properly yet so it looked like gibberish)

Turk you're a hero, although sorry to be a pain but if it's not the same type of box there's no refund of surcharge. The way to know is from the serial No, just below the filler plug you will find the No. it's the first 2 numbers and the last letter that count, mine is 56A0152632H making it a 56H box, could i pester you to take a look?

Cheer mate

Bad luck guys, I kind of know what you are going through :p

No usefull help unfortunately, just some moral support saying that I think getting an Ashcroft box is absolutely the right idea, spending all that money on shipping, you gotta go with the box that has the least likely chance of failing another 5 miles down the road, besides that one year Ashcroft guarantee might come in handy when you get back.

Also agree with not going on, it could fail in a much worse place than you are now.

And I second Fanatics advice about agreeing a price before you do anything, and get them to write it down so they can't change their minds later..

Good Luck.
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glad your getting it sorted Lee. Only just picked up on this thread.

out of interest, how many miles had your box done?

Let us know how you get on when its fitted.

glad your getting it sorted Lee. Only just picked up on this thread.

out of interest, how many miles had your box done?

Let us know how you get on when its fitted.


Well on the way to getting there, finished welding the rear chassis today.

Haven't got any idea what the had done as was fitted when I bought the car, although don't think it's original, the clock says nearly 200,000 but who is to say thats right as pretty sure the engine has been changed as well. Hope to put some piccies on tomorrow.

Thanks for all the advice and support guys.

Well on the way to getting there, finished welding the rear chassis today.

Haven't got any idea what the had done as was fitted when I bought the car, although don't think it's original, the clock says nearly 200,000 but who is to say thats right as pretty sure the engine has been changed as well. Hope to put some piccies on tomorrow.

Thanks for all the advice and support guys.


Good to hear Lee, one job done :D
Okay, quick update managed to pick up the box today at the airport, also managed to blag not paying the importation tax because our friend here works for the UN and told customs the box was for him, saved me about £250 I reckon. This afternoon actually managed to fit the box so tomorrow it's transfer box and rest of the gubbins. Fitted the fuel tanks and water tank yesterday so nearly finished, wish me luck.


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