
New Member
What aspects of preventative maintenance should I be carrying out on my 2002 TD4 and how difficult are they?

I am thinking along the lines of...

Changing the IRD fluid.
Changing the gearbox fluid.
Putting anti-seize compound on the injectors
Checking bearings

etc etc

Please add anything that I should be doing to maintain my freeby!

I personally swear by Molyslip 2001G in the IRD and Molyslip Multiglide in the gearbox and rear Diff. 150k and going strong...;)
tinytdi said:
I personally swear by Molyslip 2001G in the IRD and Molyslip Multiglide in the gearbox and rear Diff. 150k and going strong...;)

Hi Tiny
being a bit long in the tooth, i can remember being discouraged to use Molyslip 'cos it woz supposed to kn***** synchros - i take that is no longer true?
ShotgunDrew said:
What aspects of preventative maintenance should I be carrying out on my 2002 TD4 and how difficult are they?

I am thinking along the lines of...

Changing the IRD fluid.
Changing the gearbox fluid.
Putting anti-seize compound on the injectors
Checking bearings

etc etc

Please add anything that I should be doing to maintain my freeby!


in the IRD and manual gearbox we use castrol SFAXO, seems to be a good allrounder.

injectors only really seize if you've run it on petrol till it stopped.

Bearings are all sealed and maintenance free, wheel bearings don't normally play up, i'd only suspect a bearing if you can hear any noises but normally what sounds like a wheel bearing is in fact the tyres wearing unevenly.

one preventitive thing you should do is change the rocker cover breather, especially if you're upto or above the 30,000 mile mark, these block and if left, will over pressurise the crankcase and blow the turbo, dump the oil down the exhaust and into the intercooler and then blow the engine if it runs out of oil.
ShotgunDrew said:
How often do you change it Tiny?

I change my IRD oil every 3 years or so but the rest I leave well alone apart from checking the magnets on the filler plugs occasionally for any iron particles. Never had any worth worrying about. The type of molyslip you use does depend greatly on the application hence the syncro problems some people reported by using the wrong stuff. For the Freelander the 200G and Multiglide are the stuff to use due to the centrifugal over ride and the LSD. With regard to the rest of the vehicle - I keep a keen eye and ear open for any funny noises and address them early. Propshaft bearings are the keen favourite. Tiny eats the standard units in about 18 months but I think milage and being immersed in salt water regularly may have something to do with that!!:D
Thanks for the replies guys.... are there any ways of helping to conserve the turbo? (apart from not driving flat out everywhere!)
tinytdi said:
The type of molyslip you use does depend greatly on the application hence the syncro problems some people reported by using the wrong stuff. For the Freelander the 200G and Multiglide are the stuff to use due to the centrifugal over ride and the LSD. :D

Is that the same for the Auto box - or aint MS a good idea in that box?
The multiglide is actually made for auto boxes but suits the freelander manual box better than the manual stuff due to the centrifugal overtrive mechanism. It should be fine in the auto box. The only problem with it is its viscocity - its a bugger to put in unless you warm it up first!:rolleyes:
With regards to the turbo - use standard good practice: after a run let it idle for 30 seconds or so to let some cool oil get round your turbo's bearings before switching it off.
The Mad Hat Man said:
Is that the same for the Auto box - or aint MS a good idea in that box?


I wonder what oil for the Jatco box as on the US forum they warn to use only the genuinge LR oil ending with an N ( LR 401 N or something like that, typing it from memory now), any other substitute oil known ?? I got to a small LR specialist but he's specialised in Def and Disco's. He's chairman of the Belgian LR Owners club and a fervent offroader etc.. but thinks Hippo's are just toys ....:D :D But to come back to the question, if he has oil for the autogearboxes for Defenders/disco's can he put it in the Jatco as well ??
The Mad Hat Man said:

Hi Tiny
being a bit long in the tooth, i can remember being discouraged to use Molyslip 'cos it woz supposed to kn***** synchros - i take that is no longer true?
ah think yule find thet it was the older phosphur bronze sychcros that got shagged by it.the same happens if you put gl5 spec oil in a series box.
The Mad Hat Man said:
LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) wot freebie has that - maybe a new thread - "WOTS YOUR FREEBIE ON?"

I did notice a dog sniffing round Tiny in the car park yesterday ... all begins to make sense now :eek:

Steve :)
;) Yup - L Series on Acid.
I was never smacked as a child...well, maybe a couple of grams to help me sleep...
Centrifugal overdrive = HDC - you say potato...I say...
clutchdust said:
use dextron III ATF which is the same as the LR genuine stuff

I heard the replacement is only Castrol Transmax J. Even the forum in US warned not to use dextron III ATF. Is it true?

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