All cars can be a PIA, but it seems the freelander more than most, the combination of electrical and mechanical 'known' faults list is simply to long. The more I research the more I find.
If it was for me I have the time and the skills to sort most things, this is not a project purchase. I simply don't have the time to be fart-arsing about with it.
She needs a v reliable daily driver and therefore this would be a poor choice.

That's a bit of an unfair assessment.
There are many many thousands of Freelander's running about that have never given a bean of trouble. In the reliability stakes, a Freelander is generally longer lasting and more reliable than boring crap like a Ford Focus or Vauxhall Astra. I know I've spent far more time fixing mundane garbage than Freelander's. Mostly Freelanders only go wrong because they are badly maintained or mistreated. Freelander's also hold there money better than an equivalent age hatchback.
But it's your money, your choice.
Fair point there Nodge.

I've got an old banger of a 206 HDi as a run around. One look on that forum and you'd think that they were the worst car ever built. Sure they're pretty cr@p and have a plethora of problems that can send them to the scrappy quicker than you can blink but I've managed to keep it going on the cheap. I'm sure you could look at forums for most cars and think the worst, as by their nature, forums are dominated with issues that need solving.

To be honest, it's the frugal nature of the 206 that has allowed me to lavish the time and effort (and cash) on my TD4 to get it all in tip top nick.
That’s a nice looking Hippo. Shame you didn’t go for it: in my experience these little cars are generally easy to work on, they’re tough and generally reliable. Only downside is that they’re getting old now - and if that’s a consideration, maybe think of a Freelander 2?
Agree with all the above - except maybe the F2 option, they may be reliable, but if they do go wrong they can cause problems most horriblous - which I believe is a modern thing not necessarily a F2 thing.

If things do go wrong, parts are cheap and readily available from lots of suppliers (in the UK anyway) and they are really easy to work on and fix. As I say though, I get very bored waiting for mine to go wrong.
As I say though, I get very bored waiting for mine to go wrong.
You do realise don't you ,you are going to regret that :p
All cars have there probs and you are right in thinking forums are mostly filled with people asking for help which is the nature of them . Your not going to get a lot of people (and I bet there are lots) that come on and say "my freelander is fine" lol For what its worth in my humble opinion I would sooner have my freelander than a ford or Vauxhall they all look the same imo
You do realise don't you ,you are going to regret that :p
All cars have there probs and you are right in thinking forums are mostly filled with people asking for help which is the nature of them . Your not going to get a lot of people (and I bet there are lots) that come on and say "my freelander is fine" lol For what its worth in my humble opinion I would sooner have my freelander than a ford or Vauxhall they all look the same imo
lol I know - one day it will come to bite me on the bum. Hopefully not to soon though. Currently it is rewarding my caring of it with reliability.

Like most on here, I do a reasonable job of looking after it, regular servicing etc and when something needs doing, hopefully I do a good job of looking after it. On a physical level therefore it hopefully gets all that it needs.

On an emotional level, I always respect it with a "thanks brum" when stepping out of it, I swear and curse at any vehicle that invades its road space, and will join it its excitement with a "ye ha" when the smoke peddle is pushed to "full black cloud".

I am an atheist, so can offer no spiritual support - but it doesn't seem to mind that :)

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