
New Member
I am currently in the process of looking for a landy 90.
I have only just found out about this low emissions zone crap
And hey ho ,I live 1 mile outside the zone - terrific (not)
I have been reading all the past threads regarding this nonsense and just need to ask for confirmation of what I need to know.
Is it true that if the landy I buy was registered after 1st Jan 2002
Then no matter what format it is (ie hard top,csw etc)
It will be okay to drive into the zone without modification
Or indeed paying £100 each time I cross the line - pfff
Any help or more info would be well appreciated as I don't want to buy now and then not be able to drive south of Watford!!
Im not entirely sure if the early td5 engine is clean enough, but i believe if its a station wagon you can go into the lez but not if its a hard top or truck cab as its classed in their eyes as a commercial.
Give them a ring, i rung them the other day lady was very helpful
I think it also gets tighter early 2012

I'm sure there was a thread on here with a link to check if your vehicle conformed or not.... Think it was a site in any case.
I've just been through this as my 2 sons live inside the LEZ. From Jan-2012 unless you have a petrol or LPG engined landy registered before 2002 so no early TD5, or you're lucky and have a genuine 90 station wagon that has 'Estate' as a vehicle type your screwed. Historic registerd stuff pre 73 is also exempt. There are various threads that assist in re-classifying your landy but I wouldn't bank on it working 100%. Boris's menials and his chums at the DVLA are tightening up on this due a mad rush of Landies, various campervan conversions and pimped Astravans' trying to get the exemption / change of classification. So, possibly a 'coil sprung' S3, 88+2" 300TDi on an old L reg plate is a way to go.. could also try a stunted 90 bodied 2dr disco as long as its not got commercial/light utility on the log sheet.
The way emissions rules and govt. finance seem to be going it won't be long before even the TD5 will not comply. Bas?@ards.... maybe not, what a good reason to have a V8 90 (with a 300TDi in the front).

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