
New Member
Hi guys,

I'm looking at buying a Freelander 2 over the coming days so thought I'd post on here quickly to ask for some advice!

Are there any major things I need to watch out for? This is the first time I've looked at 4x4s, so don't know a huge amount about them! I've heard a rumour about a heater recall or something?

The car I'm looking at is an 07 plate HSE with 26,000 miles on the clock. I've got them down to £16,500 pending a test drive / viewing. This seems quite good to me?

Anyway - any advice for a 'Landy Newbie' would be greatly appreciated :rolleyes:
Make sure it comes with a fully extendable warranty

In the last 24 months

Towed back 7 times
Cylinder head gone,
New Engine replacement
Exhaust Manifold replaced
AC unit replaced
Hire car for 43 days

And last but not least the rear diff replaced all under the Network Q warranty

Or you will always be out of pocket !
Make sure it comes with a fully extendable warranty

In the last 24 months

Towed back 7 times
Cylinder head gone,
New Engine replacement
Exhaust Manifold replaced
AC unit replaced
Hire car for 43 days

And last but not least the rear diff replaced all under the Network Q warranty

Or you will always be out of pocket !

I suspect Ted's advice is somewhat worrying to someone just about to buy a Freelander - however I suspect Ted's tales of woe lie with a petrol model Freelander 1?
I'd hazard a guess that FL2 TD4 (if that's what you're looking at) will be much more reliable.
I've heard some stories about haldex coupling failure (traction to rear wheels) on here but usually covered by warranty - apart from that I've not heard much in the way of horror stories.
£16.5k sounds fairly reasonable for the bells & whistles model.

Just to emphasis what Norbet said, the Freelander 2 has nothing in common with the old Freelander, not even built in the same factory, so no reason why the problems with the previous one (exaggerated in my opinion) should have any reflection on the 2.
Is it Auto or Manual? Both fine on road, but the auto is streaks ahead off road.
the freelander 2 is an awsome motor and u will not be dissapointed,

the heater recall is to just remove a fuse from the engine box fuse

as with all cars u might experience problems but the F2 seems to have no major ongoing issues,, u see the odd radio fault, or other niggly elec faults but most are cured with software upgrades.

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