The Hick

Hello all- has anyone tried to weigh in a cat C successfully? i break disco 1's all the time and weigh in the shell when i'm done. The local scrappy wants to see a log book for the shell every time- not a problem usually but my latest breaker is a cat C, so when i sent off for the logbook, i got an application for a VIC test instead and was told i would not get one until it was tested.
As you may already know, the thing needs to be MOTD to pass this (which just isn't going to happen on this particular vehicle). Rang the DVLA to explain the predicament and was told to write them a letter to explain the vehicle would not be going back on the road -I would still not get a logbook, she told me, and couldn't understand why i wouldn't be able to dispose of the shell afterwards!
Short of chop the shell into little pieces and thow it in with another one, i'm at a loss (the dogs already got a kennel too)
Has all this red tape theyv'e strewn around willy nilly to 'protect us' (or 'pay more') got itself wrapped around their necks and cut off the f'cking oxygen supply to the brain?
Let's hope so!
the only way yer gonna weigh the fekker in is cut it into pieces wich is what i had to do with a cat b escort i bought for the engine and gearbox

the stupid gits just wont listen to reason as they have to abide by their rules set to government standards
hi i bought a fire damaged cat c shell it was cheaper to strip it and use the bits to fix my other cat c discovery. i weighed it in minus doors and bonnet and tailgate, my local scrappy requested the number plates and that the vin no. was still on the vehicle that said i still got £80.00 for it ebayed what i didn't use and made my money back so result
When I scrapped my donor disco ( just the shell) they just took a photocopy of my drivers licence and wrote on the receipt that the log book was already sent off
Are we talking JUST the shell, or Shell and Chassis?

Cos if its just the shell tell the scrappy to bog off as you need the V5 cos you are using the chassis! The shell doesn't carry the identity of the Disco, the chassis does.
Thanks for the replies chaps- will be just the shell to go as i keep the chassis' if they're any good. I still have the other half of the logbook so might just load it up and give it a try. Think the scrappies are pretty 'on it' round here though.. We have more than our fair share of 'undesirables' in the area!

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