Haha :p In my experience use of the word 'Pal' usually only slightly preceeds the sound of a glass bottle being broken :D

+1......................I was wondering if it was just me..............:D:D......No , cannot trust someone who uses "pal".......LOL.

Thought these objects were outlawed because of pedestrian safety - manufacturers do try to make the front of cars jay walker friendly and perish the thought of a child coming into contact with that hideous aftermarket bling.

Sorry Doo. Nil points.
More importantly,

Allow your child to recklessly disrupt the flow of innocent traffic will be met with a fine, typically a flat rate.
A few on here are under the mistaken belief that I either like or want a chrome adornment on my gorgeous George, however, if you go back to the beginning, you will see I said "Discuss" did I not? I was looking for something and happened upon it :p

However, L322 wins this round for his canny ability to make a funny and the idea of a heated towel rail made me titter :D

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