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Had the FF parked up for a few weeks- brakes seized on so, needing to move it, I went to give it a bit of juice to shift it.
No joy- drive or reverse I give it a rev and get told to put it in neutral. Look underneath and the propshaft is rotating even in neutral... Bugger, after I've just spent £600 on it too
Which prop is turning, if prop is turning and motor not moving sounds like diff has gone or half shaft or cv joint
The prop recall is easy to check
The prop recall is easy to check
Brill I'll take a look in the morning- sun was fading when I tried to move it so only had a brief look before swearing and cracking a beer :D seem to be on the receiving end of land rovers reliability ratings as of late :oops:
Was it driving before being parked up or was it recovered? If the latter check your manual to see if a fuse has been inserted to put the transfer box in neutral, on the P38 it's fuse 11 but not sure of the one on the 332.
Was it driving before being parked up or was it recovered? If the latter check your manual to see if a fuse has been inserted to put the transfer box in neutral, on the P38 it's fuse 11 but not sure of the one on the 332.
It was driving, I parked it up to do the suspension a few weeks ago, saw the track rods needed doing too so did them, then refurbed the brakes while I was there. With shifts I didn't get round to getting it finished until last week so was planning on getting it moved for tracking but, no. then this. it's fuse 37 on these- I tried popping in a fuse to reset it but didn't do anything crawled under and saw it's the prop
Ok a weird update, I put it in off road to have a look with the boss in the driver's seat. In off road it went in reverse and set off/released the rear brakes with a bit of squeeling. Then went forward too.
So we lowered it to normal ride height and then it was back to not doing anything with the warnings "put in neutral" and low box indicator flashing... One height sensor is saying it's low/wrong but I wouldn't have thought that would make much of a difference in terms of not letting you drive? And my front prop was replaced by the looks of it (sorry for the dodgy pic)


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Strange it moved when it was raised.

The splines are prone to wear on the ends of the props, if only the prop is turning and not the actual flange on the diff then its the prop,
you dont say what year?

Strange it moved when it was raised.

The splines are prone to wear on the ends of the props, if only the prop is turning and not the actual flange on the diff then its the prop,
you dont say what year?

Weirdly when raised it didn't turn at all beyond the click for resistance check.
It's 2005/6- last of the td6 model with a pretty makeover by ford.
I'm wondering if, when raised, it engages the diff lock and that's what allowed it to move?
If so I'm guessing I've buggered on of the drive shafts- knowing my luck/how I've had to work on it I wouldn't rule it out
I dont think it engages Center diff lock, thought it was electronic control/ torsion bias and needs wheel speeds to know what it needs to do, but i dont no for sure.

f so I'm guessing I've buggered on of the drive shafts- knowing my luck/how I've had to work on it I wouldn't rule it out

Why? have you worked on them?

As i said is it just the prop turning or is the input flange to the diff turning too.

Maybe raising it changed the angle of the prop enough for it to get hold on the splines or in the cv.

From what I saw last night, the input at the transfer box was spinning (big black round bit) but I couldn't make out the front in normal mode with it being dark- I'll get back under it and check: it's thrown me with it moving in raised mode.

I've not worked directly on the driveshafts, but I did have the hub swinging in the wind doing the suspension arms/track rods as I had a bugger of a ball joint and as I was replacing all removed all for access and reinstalled all after.

One thing I did note- the first time I tried to shift I heard a hiss and then it grinded attempting to go into park- switched it off in neutral/back on and it didn't do it again, and no signs of any oil leakage- beyond the usual LR amounts anyway :rolleyes:

My only other thought is the height sensor I have on the blink is saying no- it's reading 3.4v compared to the others at around 1.7v- but on the 4x4 screen it's saying one is slightly dipped, but they're still green. Think my first task is to properly check it in normal and up see what differences in getting
I wonder if with the hub swinging about the driveshaft has popped out of the cv joint
That was a thought of mine- I've just been back under and the prop is fully rotating- looks like the front diff is moving too when in road height as, without being too technical, it's spinning passed the bolty on bit of the propshaft.

I've isolated the grinding noise, it's coming from the input shaft from the transfer box when switching back to park as the axle is spinning (hence it didn't do it when I turned it off/on).

I'd have thought (dangerous with my intellect) that if the driveshaft was out, going into raised mode would pop it completely out? Not allow it to drive.

I'm stumped, and my videos are too high in mb to post...
when going into park, the propshaft changes direction and does a real quick spinning before halting- whether that means anything
Clear as muck I know, but I think you can see by the blurring the front diff input is spinning with the prop


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That was a thought of mine- I've just been back under and the prop is fully rotating- looks like the front diff is moving too when in road height as, without being too technical, it's spinning passed the bolty on bit of the propshaft.

Sounds like its something you have introduced during your work then.

Sounds like its something you have introduced during your work then.

All I can think is the drive shaft is too far in and causing interference, but I don't for the life of me know how.

As if it was too far out, going into raised would pop it off (?)

Visually it looks fine, bar the wheels being a touch out of line tracking wise. Maybe boots off and nosey, but I'll have to move it back up onto the leveller ground to do that :oops:
If you jack up the wheel you had hanging with the others on the ground if it turn freely and the prop stays still the driveshaft is out.

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