
Do'er of stuff and the like
God damn it. I "think" the cambelt might have just gone on the 130.

Stuck on the m5 nearish bristol.

No rac as it ran out last week!


Anyone able to help ... at all?
I can only offer best wishes and keep my fingers crossed for no bent valves.
Defender 130?

That's a big old thing to tow. Being on a motorway makes it difficult.

Suggest you join the AA immediately. Am texting locals this thread.
Anyone want to let me pretend to be them and use their aa recovery in exchange for money? Lol
Cheers. How long do you reckon to leave it before ringing them once joined
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Aa membership purchased.

Could really use a tow off the motorway though :/
I understood you could call them straight away, but they hit you with a sizey charge for it.

Good luck.

Just checked the small print and I have to wait 24hrs for relay and onward travel to become activated.

Looks like an overnighter in Bristol / Gloucester
I've not got a tow vehicle :( Are you with family? I could pick them up and get them somewhere more pleasant
I'm at work with intermittent reception but i'm not far and can nip off for an hour if theres anything i can help with. I'll pm you my number
Not in the area vilguy. Can leave a message for some bods not too far from there who might be able to help or contact a tow down there for you? No guarantee they'll get back to me in time but happy to leave messages if you're stuck.
Vils a bit desperate for a tow off the motorway.

There's an exit about a mile or so away. legal would it be to tow a 130 with a Focus estate? :confused:

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