The Mad Hat Man

Well-Known Member
LZIR Despatch Agent
Yu hear all sorts of horror stories about Britpart stuff, but as it has a year warranty, has anyone sent stuff back?
Water pumps tgat have fallen to bits, calipers that leak brake fluid etc. I would be interested to know if yu have sent stuff back, and if so, how was their after sales service?
Are we going for satisfactory quality and fit for purpose?
I think it's 24month guarantee. I've got a 3 month old wide angle prop that I need to take back on Saturday so will find out if after sales is as **** as the parts they sell.
I think it's 24month guarantee. I've got a 3 month old wide angle prop that I need to take back on Saturday so will find out if after sales is as **** as the parts they sell.

Well they won't come on here publicly- but I bet they watch.

So Britpart up your game or I will personally help anyone free of charge pursue a refund:D or MCOL if you play hardball:D
Yu hear all sorts of horror stories about Britpart stuff, but as it has a year warranty, has anyone sent stuff back?
Water pumps tgat have fallen to bits, calipers that leak brake fluid etc. I would be interested to know if yu have sent stuff back, and if so, how was their after sales service?
how are you going to know as you cant deal with them direct ,but through were you bought parts and that depends on them ,but i can tell you if you send stuff back you do get a refund usually on next months account
I do not have a problem, as yet. But it strikes me as odd that peeps slag off the quality on here (I know, James, they offer a range), but I have never heard anyone say they have returned the dodgy stuff.
If I owned a company such as thiers, and had the level of returns that is implied on this site, and others, I would be jumping up and down all over the Quality Manager. So is it that peeps just skip all this stuff in the bin, or what?
Yes Fanny, I would think that "fit for purpose" would be the issue here, and on the volume of business involved, I am surprised TS aren't involved...... Or is it like the old Amstead PCs? They had a poor reputation, but if you have 60% market share, yu expect to see 60% of the complaints ( or only 50% if you are above average ;))
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I've had loads of britpart stuff and never had a problem! Fitted a D1 prop donut yesterday, britpart bag, OE part inside identical to the old one?!?! So not expecting any issues:)
I've had loads of britpart stuff and never had a problem! Fitted a D1 prop donut yesterday, britpart bag, OE part inside identical to the old one?!?! So not expecting any issues:)

This is the thing, people come on here saying its all crap but I bet they never shout about the stuff that works, britpart sell alot of stuff, I have used plenty and never had an issue and I think that's most people experience. You can sell 1000 perfectly ok parts but all you here in here is that 1 part that failed. Any ones parts can fail at the end of the day, britpart is cheaper so you should expect the odd failure!
my issues were bushes and 200 tdi water pumps- tend to go bearmach now or local factors.
I think most people jump on the 'Britpart is ****' band wagon without any real reason to do so other than it sounds good. All suppliers have problems from time to time and usually rectify the situation. :D:D
I returned a britpart thermostat to a local garage after it refused to open from new and almost cooked my engine. They gave me a genuine one as a straight swap, sent all of the ones back that they had in their store and havn't stocked them since. On the other hand, I've had both good and bad stuff from britpart (and other stockists), i'm now a lot more careful which parts come from where.
I use Britpart for non moving parts and they have been fine. I buy lots from LRDirect and Britpart stuff is sometimes only pennies cheaper than Allmakes or Bearmach
Give that I just fitted britpart bearings to mine, I'm looking to see if it ends up like this guy!

BRITPART wheel bearings - a tale of danger, despair and tragedy. - YouTube

(original post:

I don't mind britpart, you get what you pay for, and the above video hasn't fazed me at all. (though I think there's something a bit more sinister than the bearings just being "Britpart" in the video)

isnt that Langers Video?
This is the thing, people come on here saying its all crap but I bet they never shout about the stuff that works, britpart sell alot of stuff, I have used plenty and never had an issue and I think that's most people experience. You can sell 1000 perfectly ok parts but all you here in here is that 1 part that failed. Any ones parts can fail at the end of the day, britpart is cheaper so you should expect the odd failure!
ER? I think 3 months for a new Britpart water pump is very unacceptable, previous Britpart pump lasted on my TDI300 for almost a whole year!!! My daughter runs an 1960 Morris Minor - still running the original 43 year old pump! Biggest problem with parts seems to be poor quality rubber seals - especially Britpart water pumps. The seal is not fit for purpose, it cracks (probably due to not being able to sustain hot water temperature), water gets into the bearing - which promptly fails. This obvious fault (experienced by many) should surely render the product unsaleable - and the manufacturer responsible not only for replacement but for compensation to cover the cost of re-fitting. I got far better things to do with my time than fit a new water pump every three months!:mad:

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